chapter 12

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The feud between our respective teams had been going for a few weeks now. Whereas the guys seemed to get better by the week, it was the complete opposite for me. I just finished another match against Trinity and strangely every time I did, it seemed to be getting harder to beat her in the match after that.

"You okay Raych?" Rebecca asked me when I came backstage "You didn't quite seem like yourself out there."

"Yeah, I know. Either Trin is getting better or I'm getting worse." I sighed as I stretched in an attempt to relieve the tension in my back. "Maybe I'm just really tired though."

"Could be but that would be a new one as I've never seen you come back dead tired after a match" Rebecca pointed out.

"Maybe Trin is just really good and it's taking its toll on me?" I suggested.

"Or maybe you are losing your momentum, that happens to the best of us." Rebecca tried to support me.

I shook my head as I was pretty sure that it wasn't my momentum "No I've lost my momentum before and that isn't it. Maybe I really am just getting worse."

"No of course you're not getting worse, you are way too talented for that Raych." Rebecca assured me. "There has to be another reason."

"Thanks Becks. Wouldn't know what to do without your support " I told her as I hugged her, genuinely happy to call her my friend. "How about I'll go take a shower and after that we go get some food together?"

"Sure, let's make it girls' night. Just the two of us." Rebecca agreed.

"Great give me fifteen minutes to get ready." I said while going off to my dressing room. Luckily, I was done in ten.

Once I got back to her, she smiled at me "Are you ready?"

"Definitely, girls' night might be just what we need." I nodded "So what do you want to eat? Where shall we go?"

"How about some fast food?" Rebecca suggested. "I'm just craving a burger right now."

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I asked her with a smile as one franchise immediately came to mind.

"McDonalds?" Rebecca guessed.

"You know me too well."


It didn't take us long to get to the local McDonalds and much to our surprise it wasn't too busy.

"Can I get your order please?" An employee asked us when we were first in line.

Rebecca ordered a big mac menu with medium fries and a vanilla Milkshake after which the employee turned to me.

"I'll have the same but can I get bacon as an extra on my burger?" I asked her "Oh and a chocolate milkshake instead of vanilla for me."

"That will be €13,50." The employee told us once she had put our order in.

"No, no it's free for them." A man behind another desk said.

"Alright boss, free of charge it is." The employee nodded at him before turning back to us with a smile "your order will be ready in a few minutes."

"Thank you." Rebecca smiled at the man who was probably the manager.

"You are Becky Lynch and Raychel right?" He asked us as he walked over to us

"Yeah, thanks for the free meal." I thanked him.

"Oh no problem, my daughter is a big fan of you both so she will be very happy to know I was able to do this for you both. Think you could spare an autograph for her?"

"Yeah of course, what is her name?" Rebecca asked him while he grabbed a sharpie for us to use

"Her name is Jocelyn." He smiled proudly "She is 14."

"That's a beautiful name." I smiled while signing my autograph and writing a small message along with it. Rebecca followed suit to do the same.

"Thank you and enjoy your meal." The manager told us goodbye when we got our food.

"Well, that was new." I said laughing. "Never gotten free food before."

"It happens sometimes" Rebecca replied. "It's sweet and I really appreciate the gesture but it's definitely not necessary. I would have given that man an autograph for his daughter either way."

I nodded in agreement as I had thought the exact same thing.

Rebecca and I talked about many things over diner and went to the hotel after. We were just getting inside our room when Rebecca suddenly spoke up again "So I have been thinking about your little problem. Have you been thinking about your reason to fight lately?"

"Now you mention it, no I haven't." I replied.

"Well, you once told me about how you got to wrestling remember?" She started "About how you grew up with Joe and Matt and that in the first place you didn't even want to wrestle? You said that you changed your mind though."

"I remember that yes, but why?" I asked while thinking back about that moment.

"Well, I'm pretty sure that Joe was the reason why you changed your mind, right?" She hit the nail right on the head "And don't you try to deny it. You already admitted to me over a year ago that you have feelings for him and judging by the way you look at him, that hasn't changed."

"No, it hasn't. I'm still stupidly and hopelessly in love with the man." I admitted.

"Maybe he is what is distracting you. Just think about it. This storyline is all about you helping them out so I bet you are continuously thinking about not letting him down. Maybe you are even subconsciously thinking about whether or not he will notice you as anything else as a friend." Rebecca made her point. "Back in NXT you didn't have to worry about it as he wasn't actually there with you. The fighting you did there was all for you, no one else."

"So you're saying that Joe is the reason I'm having a tough time?" I asked to which Rebecca only replied with a nod.

"What are you going to do about it?" Rebecca asked after a moment of silence

I sighed but couldn't reply as I honestly didn't know the answer to that this time. 

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