Chapter 5

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Time went amazingly fast from the moment I walked out to the ring until the moment I got back backstage.

I Didn't know who had picked my entrance song, which I recognized as 'Painkiller' by Three Days Grace, but I did love it. I guess Matt and Joe must have mentioned some of my favorite bands to Stephanie cause if they didn't it would be a great guess.

"The following contest is a diva's match, scheduled for a onefall. Making her way to the ring from Pensacola, Florida, accompanied by Becky Lynch, Raychel"

The match went well, having Rebecca in my corner certainly helped a lot. She really put an effort into cheering me on and to my surprise the crowd started cheering me on along with her. The thing that surprised me the most though, was the fact that I had fun. I used everything I had learned from Matt, Joe, Rebecca and Mercedes in my match. I even used one of Joe's signature moves, the spear. After hitting the spear I pinned Dana but she got her shoulder up in time.

At that moment I knew what Joe and Matt loved about this business and I realized I loved it too. I felt an adrenaline rush kick in as a result from the crowd chanting, the suspense of finding out who would win and the determination of wanting to win after all the effort. It really was a feeling like no other and I wished I would have known that sooner.

Dana and I went back and forth for a bit before Dana got a really good hit in and knocked me onto the ground. I tried to swipe her leg to bring her down as well. Unfortunately she had noticed it quickly enough to jump away from me.

"Come on lass, you can do it!" Rebecca yelled at me from ringside as I got back on my feet

Dana stood in the opposite corner from me so I ran towards her before changing to a handstand and wrapping my legs around her neck. I pulled her down to the ground with my legs, pulling off a perfect head scissor. Dana was down on the ground in a perfect position so I went up onto the top rope and jumped. However I jumped too late and Dana rolled out of the way. I landed hard in the ring and Dana tried to take advantage by pinning me. I kicked out just before the three count.

That's when I realized that Joe had taught me a leg lock. It took all of my strength to pull it off but I had it locked in. Not even 5 seconds later I heard the bell ring, Dana tapped out.

Rebecca got into the ring and gave me a big hug. "Great job lass, that was so good."

"Thanks. Now let's head to the back."

Rebecca nodded and followed me back to the gorilla.


Like expected, Matt and Joe were waiting for me and they were not the only ones who were doing so. Stephanie and Mercedes were waiting as well.

"Great job out there Raychel." Stephanie smiled a little before her expression turned more serious. "But you weren't supposed to have Rebecca at ringside with you."

Before I could even think of a way to reply, Rebecca already did. "Yeah about that, it was my idea. I figured she'd like some moral support in her first official match. In sorry if I did anything that would damage any story lines Steph. I didn't know it would be a big deal."

"Yeah, that definitely sounds like something you would come up with." Stephanie nodded. "Don't worry about it though, it wasn't such a big deal and you only tried to be a good person. It also helped that the fans seemed really into it and they are already tweeting about the sudden arrival of the newest addition to the NXT roster.

"So Raychel is officially getting a contract?" Matt asked, probably just to make sure

"Yeah Steph, don't keep us waiting." Joe added, probably wanting to know her decision just as bad as Matt and I did.

"Alright boys, calm down. Raychel proved to me that she's good enough to start in NXT so a deal is a deal." Stephanie chuckled before she turned to me "Welcome to the WWE."

"The WWE twitter account will post an official statement soon, are you okay with that?"

I nodded "Yeah definitely, thank you."

"You're welcome, now go celebrate." Stephanie left us alone after saying that

"Congrats on your contract." Mercedes hugged me. "I guess I'll be seeing a lot more of you from now on"

"Wait, aren't you moving up to the main roster soon?"

"Yeah but I'm also still NXT women's champion so I'm on double duty until I lose this baby." Mercedes looked fondly at the title before continuing "Which I don't plan on doing any time soon."

"Fair point." I started but got interrupted by an incoming notification on my phone.

'WWE just mentioned you in their tweet:

Did you see @OfficialRaychelH 's NXT debut? If not then you definitely missed out on something.'


Half an hour later I officially finished signing my contract after going over almost all of the details.

"So, are you ready to leave for today?" Joe asked as we walked towards the parking lot to get the car

"You bet I'm dead tired right now" I replied to him, yawning right after I said so.

Once we got to the parking lot, Matt went to get the car and drove it in front of us. Joe opened my door for me and I got in, glad to be off of my feet. When we were all seated we drove off to our hotel.

I was quick to get in my bed once we had arrived at our hotel. I was beat and sore when I closed my eyes, leaving this amazing day behind me but I had a feeling many more would come.

Dreaming Of YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora