chapter 19

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"Joe, can I ask you something?" I asked him once I had closed the door behind him. There was something I had been very curious about.

"Of course, ask away Babygirl." Roman looked at me curiously

"I was just wondering, when did you start having feelings for me?" I asked him.

There was a moment of silence before he spoke "I think it was your debut match in NXT."

"Really?" I looked at him curiously as I hadn't expected it to have been that moment.

"Yeah, I don't know why exactly but that was it." Joe nodded. "Maybe it was highlighting everything I already loved about you. You looked so strong and confident and brave."

"Okay strong I get but I was far from confident or brave." I chuckled "I was so scared of screwing up in that match and if I would have been brave, I would have just told you how I was feeling."

"If you look at it like that then I wasn't exactly brave either, I should have just asked you out back then."

"True." I teased. "Just imagine where we would have been at this point if only one of us had been brave back then."

"Well, I would have probably proposed to you by now if we had."

I looked at Joe like he had just spoken Chinese "What? You think so?"

Joe nodded "I'm pretty sure yeah."

"Way to make me feel worse for not saying anything sooner." I chuckled sadly.

"Maybe this will cheer you up." Joe smiled softly and got my attention. "All of this has made me realize that life is too short to waste any time. If we are sure of each other then why wait? Would you want to get married Babygirl?"

"Are you for real?" I asked just to be sure and started to smile as soon as he nodded yes. "Then yes, I'd love that."

Joe kissed me softly "Okay, let's find you a ring tomorrow."

"Sounds perfect."

We went to sleep late that night as sleeping wasn't exactly the first thing on our minds.


I was still smiling as I woke up. Not just because I finally had my man but also because said man was now waking me up by placing sweet kisses on my bare shoulder.

"Morning little one, I hope you dreamt well."

I looked at him over my shoulder and leaned over to kiss him "Morning Superman."

"What? No cheekbone today?" Joe chuckled softly.

"Oh you will always be cheekbone but you're also Superman." I turned around so I was facing him completely "Do you even know why I chose cheekbone?"

"Do I want to know?" he questioned with a smile

"It's actually just because I like how yours shape your face." I smiled back as I stroked his cheek with my thumb.

"So, it's my cheeks that you like?"

"Your cheeks, jawline, eyes and don't even get me started on the beard." I said only half joking. "What I mean to say is that cheekbone has always been meant as a compliment."

"Well, I guess in that case you can keep calling me that." He pecked my lips and got up.

"Can't we stay in bed just a little longer?" I asked as I looked at him with my best puppy eyes.

"Nope." Joe chuckled. "I believe I promised my fiancé that I would buy her a ring."

"I'd marry you even if all you'd get me was one of those candy rings." I got up as well and put on some clothes.

"Maybe I'll get you one of those as well." he winked and slapped my ass as he passed by.


"What about this one?" The jeweler showed us another engagement ring.

Just like all the other ones he had shown us, this one was gorgeous. It was a white gold engagement ring with diamonds covering the entire band and a beautifully cut huge diamond as the center stone. Yet just like all the others it didn't feel like the right ring for me.

"It's a bit much." I said hesitantly, not wanting to insult the jeweler.

"Yeah, it's gorgeous but it's a lot." Joe agreed. "I think we are looking for something that reflects who Raychel is as a person. She doesn't need all those extras to be gorgeous. Even in sweats and with messy hair she is beautiful."

"Well then, I think I have just the thing." The jeweler nodded and quickly got another ring.

This one was white gold as well. It was a simple band that only had a small, modest diamond but around the diamond the ring was shaped like a flower. It was gorgeous. 

"It's perfect

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"It's perfect." I smiled as I tried it on. Surprisingly enough the ring was already my size.

"We'll take it." Joe told the jeweler.

"I figured you would. Nothing says natural beauty like a flower."

After Joe had paid for the ring, the two of us started to walk back to the hotel.

"So, when should we tell our friends?" I asked him.

"I'm sure one of the girls will see the ring soon enough." Joe chuckled.

"True, and after that it won't take long for everyone to know." I nodded before looking around.

We were at a crossroads. It was quite busy. There were people walking everywhere, quite a lot of cars and there were children playing on the sidewalk as well. 

Suddenly I saw a dreadful situation that was about to unfold. The ball that the group of children were playing with rolled onto the road and one of the younger kids was running after it without looking. It was a girl that somehow reminded me a little of myself.

At that same moment there was also a truck coming towards the girl.

As on autopilot my legs started running towards her. The truck wouldn't be able to hit the brakes on time.

I made it to the girl just in time to push her out of the way.

I heard muffled voices followed by a sharp pain in my whole body before everything went black.

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