Chapter 2

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It was a month after I agreed with the boys to be a wrestler. I still couldn't really believe that I actually agreed to do it.

Evelyne's date with Matt went so well that they have had several dates already at this point. I was so happy for them and I hoped they would make their relationship official sometime soon. They deserved to be happy

Matt and Joe did their best to help me with the wrestling. I could already execute quite a few moves and I was making a lot of progress. The wrestling also wasn't as bad as I thought it would be and it was a lot easier as well. It seemed to come to me pretty naturally.

Today I didn't have training planned so I decided to watch a movie. I also decided to go for a healthy snack instead of popcorn, which was strange since I loved junk food. How I wasn't fat I would never really know.

My movie got interrupted by the ringtone of my phone notifying me of an incoming call.

"Hello, Raychel speaking." I spoke as I picked up.

"Raych It's Joe, I have news for you."

"Okay, is it good or bad news?"

"It's good of course, I got you a meeting with Stephanie and Paul"

"Really you did?"

"Yep" He answered popping the p as he was probably really satisfied with himself, I couldn't blame him.

"Okay when and where?"

"That's just it, they want to meet you Wednesday but they'll have to be in Austin on Wednesday"

"You mean Austin, Texas?"

"I sure do mean that Austin"

"But that's a completely different state, I don't have the money to go there."

"Don't worry about it, I've got this."

"No Joe you are not paying for that trip"

"Yes I am, it's your only chance and besides I already got you your ticket"

I groaned in annoyance "Okay fine, I'll go. But I'll pay you back when I have the chance"

"No you won't. I won't let you. You and your mom need that money more than I do."

"I'm still going to pay you back anyway."

"No Raychel, you are not paying me back. End of story."

I huffed "You know I don't like it when you pay for things on my behalf."

"I know but I don't mind doing it, I'll pick you up tomorrow around 7 a.m."

"Why tomorrow? I thought you said Wednesday. Tomorrow is Tuesday"

"Because it will take a few hours to fly over there and I have to be in Austin tomorrow evening for a house show. I need time to prepare myself for a match. There's a lot going on behind the scenes"

"Fine, I guess I'll see you tomorrow then Joe"

I hung up with a sigh and went upstairs to pack a bag, figuring that if I did that now that it would save me some time in the morning


"Okay, so are you sure you've got everything you need?" Evelyne asked me.

"Yep, packed my bag yesterday. Checked it this morning as well just in case." I said smiling to her.

"And you're sure that you're ready for this?"

"Yeah I mean I have made a good amount of progress."

"That's not what I meant. I mean are you really ready to try this, just for him."

"I'm not sure that it's 'just for him' anymore. Somehow I feel less awkward around him when we're focused on wrestling."

"Okay well just make sure that you're doing this for more reasons than just him."

"I know" I sighed before smiling again. "But still I really do think I'm ready. Even if it's not just for him, Joe will still be with me the whole time."

"Yeah. Whatever happens down the line he will always have your back. So will I for that matter" She nodded and hugged me tightly

"Thanks, I don't know what I would do without you Evy."

The ringing of the doorbell interrupted our conversation. Evelyne went to open it while I went to the kitchen to get my jacket. We left our jackets hanging on a chair most of the time. I don't really know why but I guess it was mostly laziness.

"I'm ready." I called out and walked to the door while zipping up my jacket.
I smiled at Joe once I saw him, and I also smiled at Matt once I noticed he was there as well. "Hey Raych, mind if I join you guys as well?"

"Of course I don't mind, honestly I'm kind of relieved that you've decided to come. I really want to do this together with my two best friends." I said while hugging him.

"Hey!" Evelyne pouts.

I knew she wasn't actually hurt by the comment but I corrected myself anyway. "Alright, two of my best friends then."

"We really have to go now" Joe warned us as he looked at his watch.

I hugged Evelyne once more and promised to call her when I had landed before getting in the car. I watched as Joe gave her a quick hug as well and Matt gave her a kiss on her cheek. Cute.

On our way to the airport we talked about everything we came up with. Some of Joe's friends from work, the progress of Matt and Evelyne's relationship, the weather, famous wrestlers who hailed from Austin, Texas and anything else that crossed our minds.

After 5 hours we finally sat down in the airplane. There had been a slight delay, of almost two hours, because of some technical difficulties but they were not too hard to fix. I had luckily gotten the window seat. I loved it to be able to look out and see the world from such a high point of view.

"So are you nervous?" Matt asked after the plane had taken off and reached the proper height.

"Of course I'm nervous, I am going to have a meeting with Stephanie McMahon, she literally grew up eating, sleeping and breathing wrestling. I mean who wouldn't be nervous about that." I answered honestly as I was pretty nervous.

"It's going to be fine Raychel, you're good at wrestling. They will see that you have potential but you will have to show them heart too. They need to see that you have a passion and that you actually want to do this." Joe said to me.

"Okay, I think I can do that." I nodded a little.

"Alright then, why do you want to do this?" Matt asked in an attempt to help me prepare, however it just made me uncomfortable as I couldn't exactly explain the full reasons to them

"Yeah I wondered about that too." Joe asked, making it even worse.

"Well I want to.. "I started after thinking it over for a second to see if I could keep it vague but I couldn't finish my sentence cause a voice interrupted me through the intercom "Welcome aboard the flight to Austin, Texas..."

I sighed in relief as I couldn't thank that voice enough.

"Well Austin here we come."

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