Chapter 10

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Soon enough Monday had arrived and with it so did Raw. My first main roster storyline would finally be happening and I couldn't be more excited about it.

Evelyne was super excited for me as well and promised to watch the show tonight even though she was busy moving out. She of course said yes when Matt asked her to move in together.

Joe and Jonathan would have a match tonight against Colby and Stuart but right before their match Joe and Jonathan are going to address the WWE universe After that I will make my way to the ring on my cue and then the match will start.

I was pacing around backstage while going over everything in my head. I was so caught up in what I was doing that I didn't even notice that Rebecca had walked up to me "Why do ya look so worried?"

I gave her a nervous smile before answering her question "Well this is my first time on Raw and I have my first big rivalry."

"Calm down lass, you can do it." She smiled in encouragement. She had become a good friend so I was glad to know she had my back.

"Thanks I'm okay it's just a little overwhelming." I said.

"I know lass but I have faith in you" She said while pulling me into a hug right before I got told that it was almost time for me to go on by someone from the backstage crew

I let go of Rebecca with a smile "I have to go but I'll see you after this match okay?"

"Have fun out there and kick some butt." Rebecca smiled before leaving me alone.


I was waiting at the gorilla position for Joe and Jonathan to finish their promo.

"Since of late the numbers game worked against us" Jonathan began. "So Roman and I thought about how to even the odds."

"We couldn't very well ask one of my cousins since we are dealing with a woman and we are too polite to hit women." Joe continued "Luckily for us though I did have one idea that could work."

"And I thought that was a wonderful idea, so we asked her to come join us tonight." Jonathan added

"So this good friend is here with us tonight." Joe said "I have actually known her since childhood."

"Now without further ado, we want the whole WWE universe to get to know a woman we think about as our sister." Jonathan pointed at the stage and I knew that was my cue.

I felt that familiar rush as the lights got turned down and my theme started to play. I made my way onto the stage in the dark as I could hear the crowd chant my name. Once I got into position the lights went back on and I made my way to the ring.

Once I had made my way into the ring I was handed my own mic.

"Ladies and gentleman, meet the lovely and talented Raychel" Jonathan smirked before smiling at me "Thanks for coming on such short notice."

"Well I couldn't exactly just ignore such an important call from you guys." I replied. "I got your backs."

Joe was about to speak when, just as planned, Colby's music started to play. Of course I immediately glared towards the stage.

"Well, well, well, I admit that getting Raychel here has evened the numbers game but Raychel can't possibly beat Naomi, she's fresh out of NXT" He said.

"So what that Im fresh out of NXT? The talent over there is insane." I spoke up, which earned me some NXT chants from the crowd in return "I see no reason why I couldn't beat your silly women's champ." I replied.

"Oh how cute you are here for like two minutes and you already think you can beat the women's champion." He said laughing.

"We don't just think she can, we know she can." Joe backed me up. "There is a reason why I asked her to be here after all."

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