Chapter 29

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Evelyn had gladly accepted my invitation of traveling with me. It was just like when we used to live together. I thought at first that Evelyne would have a hard time seeing me wrestle but she turned out to be one of my biggest supporters.

My other big supporters were my mom and of course the hardy's.

It had been over 2 years since I left the Hardy compound. I still had regular contact with the Hardys though and I had visited them a couple times over the years as well.

Maxel was only a little over a month away from his 5th birthday now, Wolfie was less than a month away from his 3rd birthday and a few months ago the boys had gotten another baby brother in Bartie. Both Matt and Reby had been over the moon when he was born so of course I had visited them over Christmas to celebrate both the holidays and the birth of the newest hardy boy with them.

Maxel had started to call me auntie somewhere along the road and I had grown to care about all three boys as nephews. I had also done the same with Jeff's girls, considering them as nieces.

I was glad that I was considered family by the whole hardy tribe, as I had started to call them in my mind.

I was sure that I had a lot more supporters besides my mom, the Hardys and Evelyne though. Over the years I had grown a fanbase. It wasn't huge and since I had mostly been on the European indie scene, I doubted that many Americans even knew about me.

Right now, I was getting ready for a match for the German wrestling promotion Westside Xtreme Wrestling.

I had just put on my ring gear when a producer knocked on my door "Noch zehn Minuten Marvel."

I had picked Marvel after the nickname I had gotten from Chris Jericho when I had met him after my coma. I had grown quite fond of it and it worked quite well as a wrestling name.

"Ich bin in einer Minute da." I replied to him.

My German wasn't perfect but I had picked up a little during my time here.

I tied my shoes. A pair of Nike's and got up. My gear wasn't anything too fancy but it was a tribute to Matt's ring gear back when he wrestled as Rosey

There was a time Matt had worn a pair of denim knee length shorts and a baseball tee with sneakers and there was a time when he had worn some kind of orange and blue superhero costume when he had teamed with Hurricane.

I had combined the two attires and gave my own spin on it. I was wearing an orange top, blue denim shorts and blue and orange Nike sneakers.

I quickly made sure that my hair looked decent and went out to the gorilla position to wait for my cue.


Evelyne was waiting backstage for me with a towel and a water bottle. "Nice win Raych."

"Thanks." I smiled before gladly taking the water bottle. "Too bad I couldn't use that new finishing move I've been practicing on."

"Maybe in the next match." Evelyne smiled back "How are you feeling."

"I feel fine, why?"

"You took a few nasty looking bumps. Just wanting to make sure."

I smiled "Well, I appreciate it. I really am fine though. So, what's the plan for tonight?"

"How about we grab a bite at a restaurant and just chill at our hotel after." Evelyne suggested

"Sure, shall we watch a movie or do you want to do something else?" I asked her.

"Let's decide once we get back. Dinner first though."

"Okay, I'll meet you at the car in 20 minutes. I have to go change first." I told her and went to the locker room to change out of my ring gear.

I quickly took a shower and changed into a pair of jeans and an army green halter top. I pulled on my high heeled brown boots and pulled on my leather jacket once I was all done.

I was just putting my gear into my duffle bag when I heard my phone ring.

I looked at the caller ID and smiled when I saw that it was Matt and that it was a video call.

I accepted the call and waved "Hey there Hardy boy."

"Raychel, how are you doing?" Matt smiled.

"Doing good. Had a match a few minutes ago." I told him

"Nice, did you win?"

I scoffed jokingly "Of course I won. Don't you know I was trained by a legend."

"Awe, thanks Raych." Matt grinned.

"I was talking about Jeff actually." I said with a straight face. Of course, that lasted only for a second before I burst out in laughter.

Luckily Matt laughed along with me "Rude."

"At least I was Rick Rude about it."

Matt pulled a face at that although he still chuckled "Oh that was a terrible joke Raych. I've heard dad jokes that were better than that one."

"Oh hush." I smiled. "Speaking about dad jokes, how is the tribe?"

"Everyone is doing just fine. Max asks when you'll come visit though."

"Soon, I promise." I told him.

"Good, he'll like that." Matt smiled.

My focus got directed to someone waking by Matt. The guy seemed super familiar and once he turned around, I recognized him.

"Is that Chris?"

Matt turned around "Oh yeah. Hey Chris!"

Chris walked over after Matt called his name "Hey Matt."

"You remember Raychel right?" Matt pointed at the screen.

"Course I do." Chris smiled immediately and sat down next to Matt "Hey Marvel, long time no seen. What have you been up to?"

"Yeah, it's been a while. I've been wrestling in Europe mostly."

"You wrestle now?" Chris asked "That's amazing."

"Yeah I am. I'm using Marvel as my ring name actually."

"Awesome." Chris chuckled before suddenly looking like he had gotten an idea. "Hey, can I ask you something?"

"Anything Chris, what's up?"

"How fast could you be in Jacksonville?" 


Just a quick disclaimer that I purposely excluded the most famous being of this age, Covid-19. The coronavirus will NOT be making an appearance in this story. I wish it the worst in it's future endeavours. 

In this story covid just didn't happen. It's fanfiction. It's already dramatic enough without a stupid virus. 

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