Chapter 30

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After telling Evelyne about my phone call, we decided to head straight to the nearest airport. Luckily the Düsseldorf International Airport was only a 25-minute drive away from where we were.

We immediately went to the service desk "When does the earliest flight to Jacksonville take off?"

"Let me check that for you madam." The employee kindly replied as she started to search it up for us.

"You're in luck the earliest flight to Jacksonville is set to take off at 10:30 tonight." She informed us.

"That's only 2 hours from now." I smiled at Evelyne.

"Are there any seats available?" Evelyne asked her.

The employee searched on her computer again for a moment. "I'm afraid there's only one seat left. It is in first-class though."

"And the next flight?" I asked her.

"Isn't for another few days I'm afraid." The employee informed me.

"She'll take that first-class seat." Evelyne decided for me.

I looked at her with wide eyes "What about you?"

"I'll wait for the next one and come join you. Can you promise me something though?"

"What is it Evy?" I asked her, wondering what she wanted.

"Once you're all settled, go see some old friends." She told me. "Especially Joe."

Before I could even argue she continued to speak. "He's been a friend for most of your life, don't throw that away completely."

"Well, it's not like he has contacted me either over the years." I argued.

"Ever thought he might have had a reason for it? Maybe it was because you told him that you needed time to get over him? Or maybe even a reason we don't know about."

"Yes, I needed time but not two whole years."

"Oh yeah. Was two years enough to get over him?" Evelyne shot me a knowing glare.

I went quiet immediately, knowing she was right. Even after two years I still had feelings for him. Maybe not as deep as back then but they were still there.

"At least promise me you'll think about it."

"Fine, I'll think about it." I grumbled before turning back to the airport employee "What time does the flight land."

"Well, it's a 15-and-a-half-hour flight so you'd arrive at 2 in the afternoon central European time but we are 6 hours ahead of the eastern time zone so in Florida it will be 8 in the morning that you arrive."

"Thanks. I'll take the seat like my friend said" I smiled at her and got out my phone to text Matt while the employee got my seat booked

'Arriving at 8 AM at Jacksonville International'

I almost immediately got a text back from him 'I'll be there to pick you up, see you soon.'


I slept as long as possible on the plane, managing to sleep 12 out of the 15 and a half hours, knowing jet lag would be a bitch otherwise. Luckily, I had left Germany in the evening and it was morning in Jacksonville when I arrived.

Like promised Matt was there to pick me up.

"Raychel, it's good to see you." He said as he hugged me.

"Good to see you too Matt." I replied with a smile as he released me.

"Want to drop off your stuff at the hotel first?"

"Nah." I shook my head. "Let's go to the arena, I only have until tomorrow night to prepare."

"Fair enough." Matt agreed and took me to the arena.

Chris was waiting for us in the parking lot of the arena when we arrived since Matt texted him that we were on our way.

"Hey Chris." I greeted him with a hug

"Marvel, glad you could come so fast." Chris greeted me with a smile "You have no idea how much we appreciate you coming on such short notice."

"Ey, anything for old friends." I told him. As I did though, I felt a pang in my heart. Maybe Evelyne had been right when she suggested visiting some old friends.

"Come, let me take you to meet the bosses." Chris said as he ruffled my hair.

After following him through a few hallways he stopped and knocked on one of the doors.

"Come in." I heard a man say.

As we walked in, I noticed that there was a hand full of people in the room.

"Raychel meet the key people behind AEW. Our CEO and president Tony Kahn, Executive VP Cody Runnels, Executive VP Nick Massie, Executive VP Matthew Massie, Executive VP Tyson Smith and Chief Brand Officer Brandi Runnels. Tony is a big wrestling fan but the rest of them are wrestlers like us. In the ring they are known as Cody Rhodes, Nick and Matt Jackson a.k.a. the Young Bucks, Kenny Omega and Brandi Rhodes." Chris came with the introduction. "Guys this is Raychel Scott, better known as Marvel in the ring."

"Thanks for the introduction Chris." I smiled. I had known it already but I didn't want him to feel like I didn't appreciate it. Instead, I turned to the men and woman that I had just gotten introduced to. "Nice to meet you all."

Tony stood up and shook my hand "Pleasure to meet you Miss. Scott."

"Please, Call me Raychel. Now how can I help."

"Well, I'm sure you were informed of the general problem. One of our ladies has fallen ill last minute so now we need a new opponent for Britt at our pay per view Double or Nothing tomorrow night." Tony explained.

"We'd let one of our other ladies fill in but the one that fell in was our newest signee because we wanted Britt to face someone new." Brandi added.

"And when you told me you wrestle now, I figured that I might as well suggest you as that someone new." Chris continued.

"Well, I'm glad to have this chance. This will be my first match in the states so I'll be sure not to let you all down."

"Yeah, about that, could you show us any of your matches?" Tyson asked me.

"Sure, the promotion I had just wrestled for when Matt called me, Westside Xtreme Wrestling has an online streaming service. My match should be on there right now." I nodded and showed them the site once Cody handed me a laptop.

Together we watched my most recent match.

Once the match had finished, I looked at the people around me. Some were looking serious while others were smiling. Matt just looked proud.

"Guess we found our new someone."  

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