14. First Fateful Encounter

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The museum you visited was huge and majestic in its looming presence.

You looked around in amazement at the magnificent building of the Obelian Empire's History Museum.

The Art History Museum and the Natural History Museum were said to be places of Obelia's greatest pride.

"Make sure to behave yourself."

Your awestruck staring was cut short by the stern warning directed at you.

Rosalia stared coldly at you with Penelope by her side.

"Commoners are not allowed inside yet we allowed you to accompany us, so make sure you don't bring shame to us. And do not leave my sight. Follow me."

You wordlessly nodded, fully intending to disregard her words.

You had grown used to their subtle disdain and discrimination. Well, aristocrats were reputed for their good behavior towards those they deemed lower. You were no exception even if it was their choice to take you under their care.

But you refused to let them ruin your first adventures outside the estate. You remained mesmerized by the architectural wonders that lined the hallway of the museum you passed by them.

As your mother had described it, whenever she came back from her travel to the capital, even if she only saw it from the outside, the museum was like a piece of heaven on earth. All you could think about was how vast the museum was and how impossible it seemed to be for you to explore every corner of the building in just a single day.

You were eager to devote your entire day to exploring this place to the fullest extent possible. All you had to do was make sure to sneak away from Rosalia and Penelope's strict surveillance. It would be hard as they were watching you like a hawk along with her knights but it wasn't impossible. You just had to wait for the right moment.

You planned to view the whole of the museum's exhibitions and art galleries.

Having finally made up your mind, you kept an eye on the opportunity to run away.

And it struck pretty quickly.

Some noble ladies made their way towards the Judith sisters. And by the way, Rosalia straightened up, it was certain they were of important status.


Penelope narrowed at eyes at you and you quickly wiped your grin and looked at her like an obedient girl.

It only took a few minutes for them to engage in pleasantries and they moved away from the main hall to continue their conversation.

You quietly followed them while keeping your distance like you were taught to. Once you were sure they wouldn't notice your absence, you bolted to the branching hallway, quietly giggling to yourself at your shenanigans.

Eager with anticipation, you entered the exhibition hall and you gathered a few stares as a lone child roaming around without supervision. But they didn't bother when you donned a haughty expression befitting a spoiled princess.

From one gallery to another you continued your little exploration. But you quickly halted in your steps when you saw Rosalia and Penelope in the mostly empty hallway.

They were looking for you. You could tell from their tense stance.

You slowly stepped away, making sure your steps were soundless. You quickly turned to get away from them and bumped into a stranger you hadn't seen standing behind you.


You flailed your arms and your hands desperately reached to grab something for balance. You ended up grabbing the stranger's collar and at the sudden, unexpected weight, he toppled over you and you both fell on the marble floor.

Soul Bonded [Claude De Alger Obelia x reader ]Where stories live. Discover now