67. Horrifying Reveal

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Why in the world I was in Claude's office with a bouquet of roses, to confess my love? Willingly?

You snorted. Though, things did take turn for the best. You were quite relieved, even happy.

However the events inbetween Claude leaving and you miraculously finding yourself in his office was a gaping hole. You couldn't fill in anything, it was blank. It was as if someone had erased that specific events.


You jumped, looking down to see Athy waiting for answer to her prior questions as she attached herself to your waist, hugging you.

Ether jumped off your head after inspecting you thoroughly. He had glued himself on you the moment you entered Ruby palace and refused to let go until now.

Athy tugged at your dress again, bringing your focus back to her. You weren't paying attention. You had no idea what she asked. The moment you entered the lobby she came barreling into you with her round blue eyes brimmed with worry.

"Where were you?!" Athy huffed at your silence, repeating her inquires. "I searched the whole palace. You were nowhere to be found! You just disappeared. I was worried!"

You cringed back with each barrage of questions. You yourself had no idea, how were you supposed to answer her's?

"I was at His Majesty's office." You replied hesitatedly.

Athy's eyes went round in alarm, the concern in them turning tenfold.


"I don't know." You sheepishly scratched your cheeks with a strained smile. "I just found myself there. Seems like I'm sleep walking -- no wait wake walking...? No, that doesn't sound right."

Athy went strangely silent, looking hesitant. "You don't remember?"

You stopped searching for right word for your predicament and tilted your head. "Remember what?"

Athy tensed up. Quickly composing herself, she changed the topic. "Nothing! I have something to show you. My new friend!"

She dragged you with her excitedly. "Hurry, hurry!"

You chuckled at her brighten up excited face. "Okay, but you need to be careful with your steps or you'd trip and fall."

She ignored your concern and moved her steps faster. Quickly bringing to her drawing room, she passed by Felix and Lily.

She let go of your hand and excitedly hopped forward. Confused and curious, you looked at Felix and Lily but they only shook their head with amused smiles.

"See!" Athy picked up a small black puppy looking creature and held it out for you to see. "My new friend. Raven!"

You bent down to inspect Raven, fascinated by his doe eyes that greatly resembled like Athy's. Raven shyly cowered back and you gushed over his cuteness. "He's adorable! Where did you get him?"

"It's mine!" Athy said, bouncing on her heels with a excited smile. "I found him in the garden. Can I keep him? Pretty please?!"

Ugh, the puppy eyes!

You shield your eyes from her sparkling puppy eyes. Even Raven was mimicking her! "Athy, if you want, you can keep him. You don't have to ask my permission."

Athy shook her head and said in serious voice that didn't match her cute face. "Your answer matters! I want your permission. You're my mo- Godmother afterall!"

Your heart stopped for a second. She almost said mom, didn't see?!

You cleared your throat. Maybe you heard wrong. It was probably result of your secret hope to be more than her godmother. Goddammit, get yourself together.

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