27. Ignorance Is Not A Bliss

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Anastacius watched as the girl stumbled away, her moments panicked and hasty. A chuckle left him as he watched on with amusement and a tinge of irritation until she was completely out of sight.

"So what did you find? Is the little girl acquainted with my pathetic little brother?"

A black mist materialized around the blonde guy, snaking around his body like a serpent.

The black mass rolled over Anastacius. "No. I couldn't accomplish my task. I tried to get through but she's more strong-willed than she look. I couldn't brainwash her completely. If she had stayed the results would've been completely different. Though I suspect her fragile, immature mind won't be able to handle the pressure of my magic."

Anastacius stood up, dusting his expensive coat. "Is that so? I wonder why her guard was up. Did my little brother warned her about me?" He remembered the look of fear and discomfort on her innocent face as she gazed into his own jewelled eyes. As if she was remembering some unpleasant memories. Then again it must have been her survival instinct. Her reaction to the burial had already put her on the edge but why?

"But then knowing my brother I doubt he has the heart to warn anyone. Such kindness wouldn't suit his abomination existence. After all, a heartless, ungrateful bastard such as him is incapable of caring for others." Anastacius spat out. "His damned existence will never bring anyone goodness. Just look at me. Because of him, I'm insulted because I'm the lesser incompetent brother. Just because of him I'm being looked down on for my mana in capability. That bastard, he'll pay for it." Anastacius gritted his teeth as he felt a wave of hatred bubble in his veins. His little brother's existence was nothing but an abomination. His pathetic life was causing so much trouble to him. He'd make sure he comes to regret ever being born. He'd isolate him, break him till he starts begging him to end his pathetic miserable life.

"You'll get your revenge but seem like we lost the opportunity to break your brother." The ominous, scratchy voice said in his ear.

"Why do you mean? She's not affiliated with my little brother?" Curiosity gnawed at him but the entity's words doused it with cold water.

"No. That is something we'd never know. I might've broken her mind in my haste. It's been a while since I made someone mindless puppet. My brainwashing method might've been slightly too forceful."

"Oh~" He let out a slightly disappointed hum.

"She might not be alive by the next morning. Or a few hours.."

"So you're saying she might have been an innocent girl caught between the crossfire of brothers? Now she'll die for nothing." Anastacius said amused. "Shame. She looked like an intriguing character. But she'll soon be dead so her story would finish just like that. An unveiled mystery." He shrugged indifferently, walking away from the garden to his frantic royal guards.

No more thoughts were spared for the unaware girl who had walked on her doom. He walked with nothing short of remorse or guilt. Feeling indifference to her tragic ending.

Anastacius froze. "Ah, isn't she the marquis adopted daughter? One which father was going to use. He'll be mad that we eliminated his pawn before he could even use it."

The scratchy voice replied in low voice. "I don't think she had much use as a pawn. We did your father a favour by getting rid of her."

"Ugh, explaining that to father would be troublesome." Anastacius groaned.


Your head pounded. You tiredly opened your eyes to find yourself in a black void. Darkness surrounded you from all sides. You sat up in alarm.

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