36. Archon

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(Pic of Leah and Liam at the wedding ---->)

        I can’t believe we’re getting married! And to think that Riles managed to keep it from me for all this time too. Like some idiot I can’t keep the megawatt smile from my face; I feel invincible, feel like nothing can bring me down; not even the asshole clients at work or asshole teachers. I am so stoked that we’re getting married that I totally miss what the teacher just said to me. “What?” I blink in confusion as some in the class snicker [She asked you to fix the problem on the blackboard.] I groan slightly as I get up to solve it [Thanks Keelan.] I link as I pass him on my way to the blackboard, grab the chalk and write the answer. “Mister Cole, since when do you wear an engagement ring?” Mrs. Robins asked slightly puzzled. I grin as I glance down to the ring that has not left my finger since Riles put it there, well that is unless I shower or something. “I am engaged, and we’re still planning the wedding.” She surprises me with her next sentence “So you’re not going to be Cole anymore aren’t you? What is the name of your partner?” I blink, not sure how to react “Um… it’s going to be Woods ma’am.” [Did that really just happen?] I sit back down flabbergasted, Keelan just rolled his eyes [It seems she doesn’t care either way right?] 

        The warm fuzzy feeling made it easier to deal with the whispers and stares thrown my way as I make my way through school. Just like me, Riles couldn’t stop smiling as he waits every day on me to finish school. Okay he waits on Keelan too but that doesn’t matter at all. To my most utter surprise he told me one day in class that Riles had told him that he was going to propose to me the day he asked him to watch the kids. Even my dad said he knew Riles was going to propose, I just pouted when I heard that. I don’t like being kept out of the loop of things. My sisters on the other hand squealed and immediately started planning things for the wedding and colour schemes.

        Liam and Leah were a little confused by all the hectic-ness going on, “Daddy” Leah asked me one day, she called me daddy since Riles was Papa. “What does marrage mean?” I smile slightly at her as I lift her on my lap; Liam was watching us intently too. “It means Papa and I love each other very much and are going to have a huge party with lots of presents and cake.” Both of them cheered at the mentioning of lots of presents and cake. “So when is this party daddy?” She asked excitedly, her eyes shining. “I don’t know yet honey, you should ask papa when he gets back.” 

        Just then I heard the front door close and Riles walked in, shrugging out of his coat “Ask me what?” He sat down on the couch and tug off his boots; Liam waddled over to him making him smile as he picked him up. Were children grow up pretty fast, faster than normal human children anyway. Leah left my lap and scurried over to Riles “When are you and daddy going to have the big party with lots and lots of presents and cake.” Liam nodded his head feverishly, he really liked cake.

        Riles chuckled a little uncomfortably as he set Liam next down to Leah on the couch, patting both their heads. “A party that big is going to take a lot of planning, we have to take inconsideration the busy schedules of all the people we’re going to invite.” Leah looked deep in thought, “Like grandma and grandpa?” Riles nodded his head “Exactly, and then daddy’s papa, and sisters and their mates and children, uncle Freddy, my parents, uncle Keelan and Shelley and their mom, Dean and his mate.” Leah’s eyes widened “That’s a lot of people papa.” 

        It was hard to find a date where everybody could be free at the same time. We had even asked the King to come and the Oracle was there too, she was going to wed us. We were seated at the dinner table, still thinking about our guests. “I still think we should invite Dillan, I think it will be good for him to be among others.” Riles nodded his head as he scribbled his name on our guest list “Are there anyone from your team you want to invite?” He checked the wedding list for anymore spaces “There are some spaces left to fill.” I glance over his shoulder; there are three more spaces left. “I need to think about it.”

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