All the boys cheered that Theo had arrived. Naomi stayed silent. She was in shock, she didn't know that he smoked, being a football player and all.
As time went by, one of the boys, she believed to be Daniel, started claiming that he was 'absolutely fucked' and needed to get back to his flat to grab some snacks and sleep. A few joined him.
Then it was just Theo, Naomi, Drew and Charlie left.
The cold crept up on Naomi. Goosebumps covered her body. She began to shiver, regretting her outfit choice on a October night.
Theo saw this and felt sorry for her, he took off his coat and put it over her shoulders. Naomi smiled out of thankfulness. She was happy to be on good terms with him for once. He nodded in response.
The group stayed in comfortable silence, taking in the night. Naomi felt a tap on her leg, it was Charlie getting her attention, he passed her the last spliff.
"Wh...where's the l-lighter?" She asked
"Nah me and Charlie are way too high to smoke this last one with you, it's yours and Theo's to share" Drew smiled.
He didn't even give the pair time to respond as him and Charlie stumbled their way back to their block. Then it was just her and Theo. The two who couldn't stand to be in each other's vicinity a few weeks ago.
Now that they were on good terms she didn't worry as much about being alone with him. Theo looked at the shivering girl besides him. "Hey, why don't we just smoke this in my room, we'll hotbox it so we're definitely high and it's warm" Theo suggested.
Naomi hesitantly nodded, she didn't know whether he was playing some game or genuinely cared that she was shivering so much.
They made their way up to their block and went into his flat. Naomi made sure not to speak a word until inside of Theo's room because this could look very bad for her, if anyone saw them.
His room was the same layout as hers, a bed, chest of drawers, desk, shelves, wardrobe, notice board and an en-suite. He kept it surprisingly tidy for a boy. Then again he did bring girls back here every night she thought. Ugh, she basically counted as one of those girls now she thought in distaste.
He walked over to his bed and patted the space next him. "I don't bite" he taunted. Naomi fake smiled and made her way next him.
She was going to smoke and leave, that's it. She repeated the statement in her head over and over again.
They both sat on his bed and Theo got his speaker and begun to play some R&B, 'searching' by Sonder to be exact. Naomi smiled at his choice, this song was on her playlist.
Without another word said, he sparked the spliff, passing it back to Naomi every now and again.
Finally, the weed had hit her. She was in a blissful state. She needed this.
Her whole began to sway, leading her to lay down on something to keep her still. Theo looked down at the girl next to him snuggled up to his shoulder, wrapped in his coat.
He watched her for a while. She looked cute. He couldn't quite understand why she came out to smoke in such an outfit but he wasn't one to judge a girl's fashion sense, especially not a fashion student. He learnt that the hard way.
"Hey, don't be falling asleep on me now" he joked. Naomi sat up and began to giggle, Theo laughed along with her. It was official, they were both high.
Their laughter died down and Naomi plucked up the courage to ask him.
"Why do- or should I say, did you hate me so much earlier on in the term?" She questioned. The vibrations of her voice sent goosebumps over Theo's arms, he knew this question was going to come at some point.
For a moment Theo stilled, his eyebrows furrowing at Naomi's last question, when he realise that she saw things differently to how he anticipated she'd take them.
Naomi swallowed harshly as she awaited Theo's response, as he had yet to say anything and she was afraid that she had just lost a life in the game of her university and life and was knocked straight back down to level 1 of hers and Theo's friendship
"You think I hate you?" He asked with a soft chuckle looking down at her, whilst her eyes widened slightly at the realisation he was smiling at her. He wasn't annoyed or angry. He was smiling.
Furrowing her brows as she had to make sure this was the right person she was talking to here, because she was sure he hated her guts before as she pointed out the one thing that made her think that, "Well yeah, you always start arguments with me"
With a nonchalant shrug, Theo calmly brushed off her last comment, simply stating in his opinion, "I was making conversation with you but I mean if you think I hate you then I guess I hate you, would you rather that?"
"I mean I don't know what it would be like for you to like me" she murmured as Theo shuffled around, getting more comfortable
Not hearing what she said, Theo tried to console her as he did realise he could come across as a dick sometimes. "Look, Naomi, I never hated you to be exact...I, well I admired how you stood up for yourself and didn't take my shit" he drawled. Stumbling on his words, not sure how to explain why he chose to annoy her in particular.
Naomi peered up at him through her lashes as her eyelids were now heavy. "So you never hated me..." she whispered more so to herself.
Theo looked down at the girl next to him, her melanin skin glowing with the sun peaking through his curtains, making it evident that they had been up for too long and the sun was now rising. He couldn't help it, he kept staring. She was different. Not like any of the other girls he'd brought back to his room.
God, was he really thinking about kissing her? Nah it was just the weed talking. 'The Need to know' by Wale begun to play and it put thoughts into his head. He saw her slightly begin to lip sync the female's part. Good music taste, he thought.
One kiss won't hurt. He just wanted a taste. Just to see her under the control of his lips for a few moments. He slowly started to move towards the girl next to him. His hand began to cradle her cheek, her skin was smooth despite a few acne scars, but it made her real.
She turned her head to look at him. Their eyes connecting for a second before looking at each-other's lips.
His lips were so close to hers, his mind clouded with thoughts of her. She was moving closer to him as well. She wanted this too.

Clouding My Judgement
Romance[Completed] Book 1 in The 'Three Words' Series - A/N I know this book isn't written the best and low-key cringe, it was one of my first, sorry. Naomi is a 18 year old university student, studying fashion marketing in first year attempting to make f...