She could hear his heart beat racing erratically. He was scared too. The two of them held each other as they heard the lift creak, slightly swaying.
F-f-f-f-f-f-floor o-o-o-one-t-t-twothreefourfives-s-s-six
The lift malfunctioned, announcing multiple floor numbers. The two quickly unwrapped themselves from each other, realising they were okay. They didn't dare look at each other. They never held each other, it didn't happen, no one ever needs to know, they both told themselves in their heads.
Theo immediately walked over to the doors and attempted to pry them open with his bare hands.
"Fuck, we're stuck" he stated
Naomi took no time in going over to the lift buttons and pressing the emergency services button. Theo sat down in the corner of the lift opposite her and pulled his phone out. Just as he looked at the time, it turned off claiming low battery. Convenient he thought.
4:47 AM Sunday 1st November
Naomi read out from the lift screen. The only thing which seemed to actually work in the lift.
'Hello this is the emergency services for lift 5778, what is the problem?'
"The lift has malfunctioned and now we're stuck in between two different floors so we can't open the doors to get out" Naomi explained, playing with her fingers to calm herself down
'Okay, since it is a Sunday, no one will be available to fix the lift until... seven thirty am at the very earliest and I cannot guarantee that. I suggest you and whoever you're with get comfortable, because this will be a long wait'
"Seven thirty, that's two hours and around forty three minutes, if they actually do-" Naomi started when the call abruptly ended on the service's side. She stared at the machine in shock, they really hung up on her.
Huffing in frustration, she couldn't help but let her anger out at this ridiculous situation.
She kicked the door in anger.
What? It's not like she had any other option to rationally let out her annoyance at the fact that she was locked in there with him for however long.
Mr egotistical, self obsessed, I'm perfect Theo.
"You have anger issues," he drawled from behind her.
"yeah, that's because your here," Naomi snapped, calling out the only response she could come up with, turning around, and finding him an inch away from her.
he smirked, "you should get some therapy, it would
help calm you down.""Maybe you should get it instead, it would help you
stop being stupid." She replied rolling her eyesWell, she was until her back was quickly backed against the cool lift wall, as she looked up to find Theo leaned in just enough to smell his cologne, but not enough for her to feel claustrophobic, he finally spoke, " considering we're going to be locked in here for quite some time Naomi, I suggest you lose the attitude." he murmured against her ear
Finally realising she had the ability to use her hands and wasn't in shock, Naomi pushed him away from her, watching him take a large step back away from her to the other side of the lift, with a lazy grin playing on his lips, "You always get so riled up, it's cute"
"Shut up" she said as she sunk down to the floor, noticing Theo mirroring her actions on the opposite side as he pulled out his phone.
Just as he looked at the time, it turned off claiming low battery. Convenient he thought.
Pulling her knees to her chest they sat in silence.
She didn't know what to say to him. He didn't know what to say to her. They were trapped for who knows how long and they'd never even shared a decent conversation with each other besides the time they had the assistance of weed, but that didn't end well either.
The two sat in silence, looking everywhere but each other. Well they tried. Every now and again one of them would sneak glances at the other to see if they were going to say anything or do anything, but there was nothing. They were acting like strangers.
Naomi took a deep breath and took a leap of faith. She didn't know how long they were going to in there and she didn't plan to spend the entire time in an awkward silence.
"So are you going to tell me what was wrong? you can't exactly run from me now" Naomi questioned, watching Theo.
"I'd rather not talk about it to be honest" He answered, hoping she'd leave that topic alone. He watched her pull her knees closer to her chest as he answered her. He could tell she felt bad for asking.
"Oh okay" she spoke softly
She looked defeated and Theo could see that the second he answered her question and he couldn't help but feel a pang in his chest at how she was trying to somewhat be a good person but he couldn't stop being a dick to her.
"How about we play twenty one questions?" Theo suggested hoping to make her feel a bit better
Naomi pulled a straight face. "No" She said
"Wait why not?" Theo asked, confused as to why she turned him down when he was trying to make their current situation better.
"Cause whenever a boy wants to play twenty one questions it always turns sexual, it's every boys go-to game to find out a girl's body count or if she's ever sent nudes and everything else in between " she answered
Theo hummed in response, she wasn't wrong. "Okay, what if we agree no sexual questions, I promise. And I never break a promise" He proposed
Naomi thought over his statement, knowing in her head she'd end the game immediately if he made it sexual. "Okay pinky promise" she said, holding out her pinky to Theo.
"You aren't serious?" He laughed, gesturing to Naomi's pinky finger in front of his face.
"Deadly, I don't break promises either" she stated, waiting for Theo to intertwine their pinkies
"Ugh Fine" He rolled his eyes as he intertwined their pinkies.
"Okay so I'm going first" Naomi stated
Theo gestured for her to ask away.

Clouding My Judgement
Romance[Completed] Book 1 in The 'Three Words' Series - A/N I know this book isn't written the best and low-key cringe, it was one of my first, sorry. Naomi is a 18 year old university student, studying fashion marketing in first year attempting to make f...