Theo paced his room back and forth. He couldn't think of lectures. He couldn't think of football. All he could think of was her. He wanted her. He wanted to see her. But it wasn't the right time.
He wouldn't even know what to say to her. He didn't even know if he could look at her if she had a bruise on her body from Seb. He didn't know whether he was calm enough to even have a rational conversation with her like Liv advised. He didn't even know if he trusted himself to be near her. Not after last time. He didn't know if he could bring himself not to touch her. Not to want her to grind her hips against his crotch once again. Not for them to share a kiss with the passion they had for each other again.
He need a break. He needed to vent. Theo pulled out his phone and texted Ollie and Elijah in their group chat. He needed their advice. He needed his boys. Even though he was close with Elliot, Charlie and Drew, they just were too close to the situation for him to tell them anything. They'd give him shit for not telling them in the first place and for also messing with Naomi's feelings.
As Theo was in his own head, the boys replied. They said to meet them at Ollie's flat. Ollie lived in a different accommodation to all of them. He had a studio flat, instead of shared because he couldn't stand other people's mess. Fair enough, everyone he told said.
Theo threw on his grey 'Essentials' hoodie and put on some black joggers and wore his white Air Force ones. He made his way to Ollie's accommodation and he saw Elijah at the door.
"You alright mate?" Elijah asked
"Nah" Theo stated
"What's up" Elijah questioned
"I'll tell you when we get to Ollie's"
"Alright, say no more"
The two of them got buzzed into the accommodation and immediately made their way to the lift. As they finally reached Ollie's flat and he welcomed them in, the boys turned to Theo in anticipation for this sudden meet up. It was unusual.
Yes they've hung out before but nothing as sudden as today. They watched him bounce his leg in anticipation. They were worried. Last time they saw him, he was gloating about how he was a fuckboy again. But now he looked stressed, upset and worried.
"Hey, man you gonna tell us what's up?" Ollie asked, offering Theo some water
"Oh shit, yeah..." Theo remembered as he was so in thought about her once again
"Um so I lied to you guys" he admitted
"Me and Naomi did talk... well we didn't. I apologised again. And then..."
"and then what? I wanna fucking know. This feels like that show Aimee forces me to watch... uh what was it?... Gossip girl. Yeah we ain't them" Ollie pointed out
"Your girl makes you watch that too. Fam, Tiana keeps forcing me to watch it with her!" Elijah confessed
"Guys! We kissed. Well I kissed her, but she kissed me back. And it was... it was something else, man. I couldn't stop myself and I started to kiss her neck and she pulled me closer and started to rub herself against my dick" Theo explained
"Is that it, we been knowing something happened between you two, ain't no way you wanted to talk to her one to one so badly and nothing happened, but if you kissed, then you kissed. She's still with her man though" Elijah reminded
"Nah that's the thing, when were in the moment, she pushed me away, saying how she was with him and it couldn't happen so I told her... that I liked her" Theo confessed
The two boys looked at Theo in shock of finally admitting his feelings.
"But then we argued and she said not to and left. Then next thing I know is she didn't come out of her room since that night and everyone called Seb over to talk to her. Then she ended things with him" Theo revealed
"Wait so you two can be together?!" Ollie smiled
"Man, weren't you listening, she said for Theo not to like her, so what's going on in her head then?" Elijah asked
"I don't even know, but that's not even the whole story. Then apparently after she ended things with him, he came back angry. Like mad. Then he fully hit her" Theo finished
"He hit Naomi. What the actual fuck" Ollie shouted
"Nah, that shit can't run" Elijah agreed
"Exactly, so that's why I'm so stressed cause how can he leave and then come back just to hit her. It ain't right. Then Liv tells me all of this and I'm fuming. I'm asking for Naomi. And she's like you can't see her and I'm like why and she says cause you're too angry" He went on
"She's right, look at you. You're worked up just by telling us. You can't talk to her until you're calm and sober" Elijah reasoned
"Yeah I know but I can't sit back and let Seb get away with what he did. That shit pisses me off" Theo ranted
"Why don't we go and pay him a vist then?" Ollie smirked

Clouding My Judgement
Romance[Completed] Book 1 in The 'Three Words' Series - A/N I know this book isn't written the best and low-key cringe, it was one of my first, sorry. Naomi is a 18 year old university student, studying fashion marketing in first year attempting to make f...