~16~ The Smell of Metal and Incense

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READ BEFORE YOU CONTINUE! Great, thanks for stopping to read this :)

I am a big simmer, as you can probably tell by my profile pic. I want to design my characters in the Sims 4, and I want your help in deciding who I should make!

If you follow the link in my bio, it will lead you to my Linktree. At the very top should be a Sims survey I put together! Place your votes there, and I will design the winners!

I'm really excited about this! I will post the results on my Instagram and possibly Wattpad as well.

Thanks bunches, and enjoy the chapter!



Sophie's built hands slightly bent the metal beneath it as she clutched onto the railing of the runway.

She didn't know how to describe it. A mass of agony. A pit of atrocities.

"W-What are those?" Maha stuttered, her eyes pinned on the cages. But not the cages that housed the original Mirthless, no, but the ones that housed the Nilfa. The cages held creatures like Cynna.

"We need to get out of here, Maha. No contract is worth this." Sophie kept flashing back to that cave in Egypitnat. To her blades sinking into Cynna's flesh. No, no, no, they were mortal and complete. They didn't belong here. She was selfish, she knew that, but she kept thinking back to Cynna's tear-stained eyes, to her pleas for death. Sophie couldn't stand that again.

Sophie made the mistake of looking in one of the subject's eyes.

They resided in a cell that looked a lot like the one she found in Egypitnat. Deep grooves along the floor and the bars as the experiments writhed in brutal pain. Various cables were linked between the Mirthless and corresponding subjects. They were a small Gnome, the subject Sophie made eye contact with. Needles and cables linked them with a Horoa just a few cells over.

Half of their face was mutilated, black and grime seeping underneath their skin. But their eyes were still so desperate. The gnome merely shook their head, putting their head back in their hands as they rocked on their knees. Sophie did the same thing whenever she was panicked and needed to escape.

Sophie gripped the handles, taking a deep breath through her nose and out through her mouth. Maha was still yet to say anything, her hands clamped over her mouth.

"We need to help them A-Amalia." She finally breathed. Sophie rubbed her face, trying to rub the shock out of her.

"Okay, okay. Let's try to find something." Sophie still used the railing to balance herself as the two of them meandered across the metal bridge. The metal bridge led to another observatory deck, then another metal bridge. It all worked as an observatory over the mass of experiments below.

"Gods, Lia, there are so many children in the factory above us. What if-"

"Please don't finish that thought. I don't want to think about what happens if the Nilfa get out." The Nilfa in the Lord's house must be from here. Sophie guessed he was probably an investor of this place. But the Neverseen seem to be mass-producing Nilfa; why would they have investors? What are these Nilfa going to be used for, and why do people want a cut of it?

"We need to find their ledgers. That way, we can find leaders, sponsors, co-conspirators, and accomplices. We cut off their funding by eliminating their sponsors and alliances, they can't afford to keep this going. If we get the chance, we should sabotage their equipment. This is too big just for the two of us, so we can't outright destroy it. We can hopefully hope Okoye doesn't take that out of our pay." Sophie took a deep breath, "The remaining Nilfa are going to be the real problem here. I'm sure that Fang Guanyu's translator has analyzed the book enough, maybe we can hire them to help us try and revert the Nilfa effects." But from what she saw, that would be near impossible. But Sophie refused to think about the other option.

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