You're Telling Yourself Lies, Mr. Ignis. (Oneshot)

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One announcement. @bubblekissed is going to interview me for their AAD community book. We are hard at work but for the time being, go check at their profile! The AAD book is super cute. I'll give you all an update when the interview is out! Now enjoy the oneshot and thanks for your patience loves!

SUPER UNEDITED. I wrote this whole thing on my phone while on vacation with my family soooo... yeah
2755 words


Ruy knew that the Moonlark girl was somewhere around here. He just wanted a peek when she isn't threatening to claw his face off. He heard of what she did for her little Vacker friend, along with all the other hostage Black Swan members after the Lumangwe battle. He had to admit, he admired what she did.
But he heard screaming. Agonizing bloody screaming.

"Stop, stop! Please I don't know-"
"We stop when you tell us what the Black Swan has, Moonlark!"
"I don't know! They don't tell me anything! Please stop!"

That... that was her. That was the ferocious Moonlark begging for mercy.

Ruy decided he would come back after the torture. Since they were busy, he might be able to steal some human cash from the Torturer's office to get some food in the Forbidden cities during his next mission. Lilac said she always wanted a human cookie, Ruy wanted to get it for her birthday. Not to mention with that big party his mother is hosting coming up in a couple of days, he shouldn't risk anything.

"Please, I just do what they tell me to do- any information I know you already know. Leave me alone!"
Ruy didn't realize he was swinging the door open until it was too late. He looked through the doorway, glaring over the scene. The young girl sat in a metal chair, her wrists and ankles bound. Short hair clung to her sweat slicked face, tears streaming down her cheeks. It seems Ruy caught them in the middle of a torture session.

What was he doing?! People were tortured all the time in the Neverseen and he cruised right past it, why was he stopping for this Council boot licker?!

"The Moonlark has been ordered back to her cell. I'm to escort her." Ruy announced. The two women glanced at each other, torture devices in their hands. It seems the Moonlark had no large open wounds, but the nasty bruises and cuts around her face, neck, and body made it clear this hasn't been easy for her. She was barely conscious in her chair, muttering madness to herself. But her eyes met his.

"Please, please. Get me out of here." She whispered to him.
Ruy pushed past the two women and began to undo her restraints. This was stupid. He was being ridiculous!
"Under whose authority is she allowed to-"
"Under mine. If you torture someone too much, they'll say anything to make it stop." Ruy leaned down to undo her ankle bindings.

"What's your name, blondie?" Ruy asked, glancing over his shoulder to the angry Neverseen women, packing up their torture tools. Her sentences weren't coherent but her did a name.
Ruy stopped for only a moment. Funny, he could've sworn her name was human. Sophie or something. No, that's right. It was absolutely Sophie.

"Can you walk?" He asked. The Moonlark shook her head. He grunted, scooping her up into his arms as if she were a bride.

"Send for the healers. To her cell. I don't want anyone touching her while I'm away." Ruy snarled at the two women. The first one nodded, turning to leave, but the second grabbed her friend's shoulder.

"Our orders come straight from the top. Vespera herself."
Ruy tensed at his mother's name. The mere mention of Vespera has him going stiff backed and as quiet as the grave she promised to bury him into if he ever stepped out of line. But he glanced down to the shivering woman in his arms. She had to only be a little younger than him. She was a child soldier just like him.

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