~20~ Our Saviours

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Super unedited.


Nour growled as his Minyama rang through for the final time before he closed the call.

"I can't get a hold of Akil or any of the other Hidden Ones. Hopefully they are alright." He sighed. Alexios couldn't help but agree. They were in a small fleet of maybe 25 ships. He and Nour were out Heinrich's leading ship, along with Arsinoe and the head of her Medjay. At least the ones that made it out of Egypitnat.

Their Assassins were evenly spread out amongst the ships. Almost every single Assassin was out there.

"I've got a bad feeling about this, man." Alexios said suddenly, checking over his shoulder.

"I get it."

"We don't even have the Inner Circle here. We don't have information or even scouts in the loop." Alexios gave Arsinoe a quick look, "Arsinoe is a powerful ally, but is unversed in combat and war."

"I know, but Arsinoe wants to take back her city as soon as possible. From what I learned, the minute Heinrich offered to help they started getting ready to seige. If we didn't offer to help it would absoultely ruin the alliance Amalia slaved away to make with her."

"What I can't understand is why Heinrich is helping her. We all know the man only cares about his purse, but he goes out of his way to help Egypitnat?"

"He has to be sucking up to her then. Hoping she'll give him some sort of reward."

"Okay, but what could Arsinoe give him that he possibly doesn't have? And Heinrich agreed to help, but Fang Guanyu didn't?"

"Why would Fang Guanyu help?"

"Shit, Amalia and I never told you about that? They are quite, uh, close. If you catch my meaning."

Nour chuckled a bit, "Yeah, I think I catch your meaning. I agree with you on this Alexios, but I'm also just as desperate to save Egypitnat. I'm the leader of the Hidden Ones, and I haven't heard a damn thing. I worried about them."

"They'll be okay. We both know Akil is pulling through."

The silence after that was agonizing. They both kept thinking the worse. And they knew the Assassins awaiting their commands on the other ships were thinking it as well.

"Jeez, quick, change the subject please. My mind is still running rampant." Nour miserably laughed.

Alexios thought for a moment, "How did that date with Istas go?"

Nour's head just slumped further.

Alexios cringed, "That bad, huh?"

Nour shook his head, "I completely blew it. We went to that cafe a few blocks down from Maria's boutique. I was so quiet the entire time and stiff- and don't get me wrong, she was a wonderful woman, but-"

"Maybe you just aren't ready to get back into the thick of it yet, Nour."

"I know that! But I just keep thinking of Riley and-" Alexios placed a hand on his shoulder, squeezing it slightly. Nour took a deep breath.

Alexios didn't know much about Riley, only that they were Nour's former romantic partner. And he met them at Exillium. That is why he refused to go when they were saving the book from a while back. Fang Guanyu has had it for a while, and they wanted it back soon. After this, Alexios should ask him about it-

"This isn't what I meant when I said change the subject." Nour sighed, snapping Alexios out of his drifting mind.

Alexios shrugged, "Yeah, sorry about that." Alexios looked around again, "But I do have something that will keep your attention."

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