~10~ I was a Faceless Soldier

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(Lower your volume just a bit when you have the music going in the background. It can be a bit loud)

Sophie's knee bounced as she waited on an uncomfortable rock, Ricin waiting at her feet, staring at the staircase Mahe previously descended. Endre was waiting politely, tried to make occasional conversation here and there, but Sophie never really replied.

Sophie sorted through what Maha's powers could possibly be. Sophie now knows she can't move earth itself, but how does that explain what she did at Egypitnat's palace?

Sophie also was sorting through what exactly she should be doing after this. It is no secret the Elders want to move forward with their plan to integrate with the Vatarian cities and overthrow the Senate. But that isn't what she should be focusing on right now; there is a hostile party that will not hesitate to use the time of a power transfer to their advantage.

"What are you thinking my Heiress?" Endre asked.

Sophie's leg didn't stop bouncing, "Don't call me that."

Endre sighed in defeat, "Alright. Amalia, may I know what you are thinking?"

Sophie glared at the carved stairs Maha went down with Byzanthar, "I'm trying to figure out a plan on what to do."

Endre stiffened, "You haven't already made one?"

"I've been a little busy, discovering about some ancient demon that wants to take over the world and learning about my nation's lost queen tends to take up a lot of time." Sophie retorted.

Sophie took a deep breath, "Have you ever heard of someone Mephala?"

All the color in Endre's face drained, the Vatarian going still. Sophie nodded to herself, running a hand down her face, "I'll take that as a yes-"

"Don't speak his name! Do you wish to rain his wrath upon us?" Endre hissed.

Sophie rolled her eyes, "Gods, he is like Voldemort to you guys." She rolled out her wrists, wanting the warmth of her gauntlets, "Maha is going to be the deciding factor. Any information she is willing to share from Byzanthar, and then together, we are going to decide."

Endre wanted to argue, but by the tenseness of Sophie's shoulders and the growl coming from Ricin's throat, he decided against it.

It was only a few more minutes before Maha gently padded up the stairs. Sophie stood at the sight of her, her eyes widening at the sight of tears running down her friend's cheeks.

"Ah, my heiress, what did you learn from Byzanthar-" Endre didn't get to finish. Sophie pushed past him and hugged Maha tight, Maha shaking against her body. Waiting in the staircase was Byzanthar, who looked at Maha with sad eyes. Sophie glared at the god, but Byzanthar's deep voice entered her head. It was the sound of rocks tumbling down the mountainside or a sleeping forge.

"Watch over her for me, won't you Assassin?" Byzanthar asked through her mind.

Sophie blinked at the god but nodded.

Byzanthar smiled and disappeared into his forge.

Sophie held Maha for a few moments longer before quietly asking, "Are you alright?"

Maha's fingers gripped onto Sophie's fur cloak when she nodded, finally looking up and wiping at her snotty nose. Sophie looked over her shoulder at Endre, "Come on, let's go back to the temple."

Endre looked like he wanted to interrogate Maha, but Sophie's eyes flashed gold. Her Pancras form slowly breaking through again.

The Vatarian made the right decision and began to lead them back to Kynareth's temple.

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