~11~ He Ran Away From Me

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TW- Panic attack and PTSD. I will put marks to let you know when the triggering scene starts and ends.

PS: I know the page separators look weird rn. Deal with it. ALSO, Our Homelands pt 2 will be up in about a week!

Sophie clutched her hair tight, attempting to scramble a tree to get away from Maha's shears.

"No way in HELL am I cutting my hair, Maha!" Sophie hissed.

Maha groaned, trying to keep her composure, "Amalia, I know you Inalians are VERY attached to your hair, but we need to go undercover!"

"No! I worked very hard on growing my hair out, I'm not cutting it off again!" Sophie barked.



"Stop being difficult!"

"You stop being difficult!"


"Fuck off!"

Maha rubbed her temples.

"Fine, we won't cut it for now, but we need to stay on the down low!"

"WHY?! Hyda is a big place, I'm sure no one will recognize us!"

"No, they won't recognize me, but they will recognize you! Do you remember what happened during our last contract?"

Sophie faltered, cringing. Her and Alexios were nearly killed after being caught assassinating a fraudulent tax collector. And then Sophie blew up their barracks.

"Yeah, okay, you may have a point." Sophie mumbled. Maha put down her shears and threw Sophie a cowl.

"It is the best we can do is hide you the best we can. Put up your hair and hide as much as you can until we get proper clothing and disguises. From there we can stow away on a ship to Inalia."

Sophie wrapped the cowl around her nose and mouth, patting Ricin on the nose.

"Why don't you do some shifting practice while we are gone, alright buddy?" Sophie proposed.

Ricin purred, his eyes carefully watching them as Maha and Sophie slowly walked towards the town through the thick jungle. Even though it was the autumnal season, the humidity was thick. It caused the cicadas' buzzing to grow louder than normal. Birds and monkeys chirped and howled amongst each other, flying through the thick canopy or swinging on the hardy vines. Sophie missed her weapons dearly, and at that moment, she would've killed for her sword back. Leaves and grass kept tripping her or blinding her. 

But not the sword Kynareth gave her the steel one Maria made. The one made with love. Sophie shuddered, a chill traveling down her spine. The pounding of Kynareth's powers in Sophie's veins. Sophie has felt extra overwhelmed recently, with both her powers returning and all the information Kynareth gave her, and she knew it is only going to get worse. But she wouldn't let Maha know about her struggles; no doubt Maha struggled with the same anxiety as Sophie.

But Sophie's mind has been drifting to places she would rather forget. Things that haunt her nightmares.

Soon, Maha and Sophie stumbled out of the thick jungle to the hills above Hyda's main village and, most importantly, the docks. Their way home.

 Their way home

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