CH 4 - Protect Him

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“What? How dare he want to match this King’s bride with someone else?” The man is enraged.  His eyes red and full of fire. He breaks the wine cup into pieces.

“Y-yes, My Lord!” The other man in black answered.

“To whom?” He asked again, voice full of fury.

“...” The man in black shivered. Of course he knows who but he will definitely not tell his Lord who it is or he will be slaughtered right there and then.

“Why are you quiet? Tell this King now! I will chop your head if you conceal the truth!” He threatens.

The man in black closed his eyes, lips pursed. He has no choice. His Lord is very ruthless and he despises a liar. If he is destined to be killed tonight by his Lord’s hand, he will surrender.

“I-it’s Min Yoongi!” The man in black uttered softly as if he is whispering.

The Lord was stunned. His face straight and his posture cold. The man in black can feel the fire emitted around his Lord’s body.

“Oh?”  The Lord squinted his eyes at the man in black.

“My Lord, I have no idea why he suggested this name. Please, quell your anger!” The man in black kneels down, head bowed down to the earth.

The Lord walks around the man in black in a circle, his hands on his back. He smirks before he pulls out his sword and directs in on the neck of the man in black. The man in black broke his sweats. He is confirmed that he will be dead today. Yes, the man in black is the Min Yoongi.

“ know how much this King adores and trusts you, right?” His Highness Third Prince speaks in a low voice, sending chills to Yoongi’s body.

“Yes, My Lord! I will never betray you, My Lord!” Yoongi answered.

“Then, you should know what you have to do. Park Jimin is mine! No one can take him away from me!” He said, his tone is deep.

“Understood, My Lord!” Min Yoongi’s head still on the floor, not having the courage to look into his Lord’s eyes. His Lord is too scary.

Jeon Jeongguk released his sword from Yoongi’s neck and put it back in his gloves. Min Yoongi can finally breathe and exhales relieved.

“Also, that shameless man! He has the audacity to have feelings for my bride even though he already had countless women in his arms. So filthy. I want to rip his throat.” Jeongguk is mad.

“Calm down, My Lord! The Emperor would not let him have Jimin. That’s why he sends him to solve the riot outside of the city.” Yoongi speaks.

“He is a fool. How can he be the next Emperor if he has that kind of attitude? Weak, coward and boisterous. Father Emperor is dumb if he really wants to ascend him on his throne. Fourth brother is more suitable for that position.” He said, back-facing Yoongi.

“But-”....“His Highness Fourth Prince doesn’t look like he cares about politics and the throne?” Yoongi offers his opinion.

Jeongguk smirks before he chuckles.

“Don’t look at him with one sided eye, Yoongi-ah! He is not as virtuous as you see. He is vicious and sneaky. He is more intelligent than me. That brother of mine, is not someone who you can fool around. While this King acts straightforward and bold, he is more slick and a controller. Be careful, you may be his puppet without you even knowing.” Jeongguk sighs.

Min Yoongi is speechless. As expected, his Lord is broad-minded and very clever in discerning a person's characters. The fight for the throne seems like it is invisible in normal eyes but not between the princes.

They all know what they are doing and excellent in keeping it discreet.
He still remembers the day he met His Highness Third Prince when he is 15 years old. That day, his Lord is only 11 years old but already has a strong mind and look. He is mischievous but he is serious. His Lord works hard to keep himself on ground and guarding his own safety. His Lord saved him from drowning in the deep pond at the palace. From that day, he made an oath to become His Highness’s loyal servants even though he is a noble son.

Things that happened in the palace are not smooth and very dirty. His Highness only wanted to protect himself from harm so he bites others first before they have a chance to attack him. He also believes that His Highness’s mother died unusually. It was a conspiracy because she is the most favoured Royal Consort at that time. Min Yoongi’s body trembled when he thought about it.

“Yoongi-ah…” Jeongguk calls him.

“Yes, My Lord!” He answered.

“They are coming to Jimin soon. You must protect him at all cost. This King only has him. This King will not tolerate if he is taken away from me. This King will not spare anybody who dares to touch him even if he is my own brother.” His Highness Third Prince uttered in a determined tone.
Min Yoongi gritted his teeth. He will definitely do his best to protect his Lord’s spouse.

He is in awe with how much His Highness loves and cares for Park Jimin. Who says His Highness can’t have mercy and affections? He just has his eyes and heart only for Park Jimin, a beauty and an exquisite man.

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