CH 19 - Night Talk

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It has been two weeks Jimin and Jeongoo becomes close acquaintances. Jeongoo sneaked into Jimin's chamber 2-3 times in a week to have a chat with him. Every single time Jimin spent time talking with Jeongoo, he felt so happy.

It makes him always waiting for Jeongoo to come to see him. But, it also makes him more curious on Jeongoo’s identity. He knows his name is Jeongoo but who exactly is he? He never meets him during the day and only comes at him during the night.

Jimin can’t help being reminded of their first meeting, when Jeongoo is injured and chased by people from the underworld. Is Jeongoo involved with them? Does he have to worry about his real identity? He seems like not an average person based on his martial art skills.

Jimin stares at the sky outside of his room window. He sat on the table near the window sill. It's a full moon tonight and it looks so beautiful that Jimin can’t help but smile. He loves to look at the moon so much. It was alone but it helped light up the lonely night.

“Waiting for me, beautiful?” A man’s voice snapped Jimin out from his trance.

“Jeongoo!” Jimin said.

“What are you thinking about, Jimin?” Jeongguk smiles. He then sat in front of Jimin after getting invited by him.

“I just think that the moon tonight is so pretty. It's a full moon.” Jimin replies with flushed cheeks. There’s no way he will tell him about what he was actually thinking about.

“You are more ethereal than the moon. More brighter than anything in my eyes.” Jeongguk’s voice deepened.

“Oh stop! You make me embarrassed! How about you? Have you eaten dinner yet?” Jimin asked.

“Yes, I had eaten dinner! What are you doing today? Have you met with any problems?” He asked.

“Hm, I haven’t done anything much. Just studying the manual of the poisons and medicines. Currently, the cure for my eyes cannot be made yet. I still haven’t found a suitable combination for Tree-Leaf Crystal.” Jimin sighed.

“Combination? You mean, you need another kind of herb to make it complete?” Jeongguk asked.

“Yes, not all illnesses, infections or poisons can be cured just by using one type of herb. There have to be a few herbs mixing so the cure can be perfected. You have to study each and every herbs purpose properly so you will not make a mistake to not waste the precious herbs itself. Just like my eyes, although Tree-Leaf Crystal is a magical herb, it needs another compatible herb to fully cure it. Until now, no herbs that I know are compatible with it. It repels other herbs as if it has a sense itself.” Jimin explains.

“Have you tried asking your grandfather? He is the Poison Master, he must know something.” Jeongoo gives opinion.

Jimin sighed before he shook his head. His gaze turns to look at the moon again.

Jeongguk stares at Jimin with love in his eyes. Jimin is like an angel or the son of the Moon Goddess that holds his heart. The moonlight radiating and beaming on his face brightly. His eyes sparkled and Jeongguk enthralled.

“Grandfather said, Tree-Leaf Crystal is a rare type of herb and there’s not much information about the flower. He agreed, it is an independent type of herb so it will not match nor can be mixed with usual herbs. He said, only one person knows about it. But, he didn’t know where he was either.” Jimin uttered.

“He? Who is that?” Jeongguk asked.

“Night Wanderer!” He answered.

Jeongguk’s eyes widened. Of course he knows who it is. Night Wanderer can be called an immortal because he lived for more than a century already. He is very powerful and knowledgeable but no one has met him face to face.

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