CH 16 - 2 years ago

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Jimin walks around the woods and carefully picks herbs that he wants. It’s almost dark so he needs to be fast. He spends too much time in the woods and his father must be worrying about him.

“Young Master, should we go back to the mansion now? It’s getting darker, this servant is worried that we will meet with trouble!” Yeol, Jimin’s personal attendant said.

Jimin looked up to the sky and agreed that the sun goes down quickly. He bits his bottom lip as he is still unsatisfied with his herbs searching.

However, he is aware of Yeol’s distress. They can’t roam around the woods at this time as they will expose more to danger.

Reluctantly, Jimin nodded and they were preparing to leave the woods when they heard someone groaning near them. Both are shocked and fear struck in their body. Jimin heard the groans as if someone was hurt.

“Young Master, what was that sound? Is it a wild animal? Oh no, we have to leave here fast, Young Master!” Yeol is frantic.

“No, it’s not the sound of a wild animal! I think someone got hurt! Let’s take a look!” Jimin walked slowly to the sound but Yeol didn’t let him.

“Young Master, please don’t go! It is dangerous! What if it is a beast? It will eat us if we come near it!” Yeol almost lost his mind.

“Ridiculous! How can I not be able to differentiate between a human's voice and an animal?” Jimin tries to get round with Yeol.

“Young Master, if it is not a beast, what if it is a bad person? They will kill us!” Yeol said again.

Jimin sighed. “Yeol-ah, no matter bad or good, I can’t just leave him like that! Also, I’m sure that person is injured. He can’t kill us in his weak condition? I need to take a look and help him!” Jimin said, convincing Yeol to let him go.

“A-alright, Young Master! This servant will abide by your word!” Yeol pouted but he agreed to listen to Jimin.

Both of them come near to where the painful groans sounded. Yeol, even if he is so afraid, he still walks in front of Jimin as an attempt to shield Jimin from danger. Jimin just let him lead the way but keep his senses alert.

Near the Giant Sequoia tree, they found a man with a half mask on his face, grunting painfully. Although the day is getting dark, they still can see the man bleeding on his chest. Jimin carefully asked him.

“Hey, you are hurt! C-can I h-help you?” He stuttered as he was a little wary towards the man.

Based on that man’s clothes, he seems like an assassin or someone from the underworld. Jimin gritted his teeth when he remembered again about the enemy from the underworld that kidnapped and forced his late mother to produce poison. They are cruel and Jimin hates them.

But, Jimin still doesn't know who that man is and his real identity! Jimin is a doctor and he can’t bear to leave a patient alone. He asks one more time as the man didn’t answer him yet.

“Please, let me take a look at your wound! I’m a doctor, you can rest assured!” That man opens his eyes slowly.

After they stared at each other for quite some time, that man nodded, giving Jimin permission to come close to him. Jimin immediately inspects his wound and finds out that he is slashed by a sword and there’s a smell of poison in his blood.

Jimin has a keen sense of smell, especially this kind of poison. He is an heir to the Poison Master, so he is trained to detect all kinds of poisons. 

“Death Fallon!” Jimin whispered, eyes widened.

That kind of poison consists of Hemlock and Green Root. Hemlock comes from a large fern-like plant that bears a dangerous resemblance to the carrot plant.

It is usually used for treating muscle spasms, ulcers, and swelling but with large doses, it can cause paralysis and ultimately respiratory failure. Combined with Green Root, it will make the process to stop the heart beats going rapidly.

Jimin gasped. Who is he? And why did people dare to poison him with this deadly poison?

Jimin must treat him as soon as possible or else he will die in an hour. This man has a good body constitution and strong internal energy therefore, he is still alive until now.

“Yeol-ah, take out my medical pouch! Quick!” Jimin commands.

Jimin always carries around his medical pouch when he’s going outside as backup in case he is faced with trouble.

Yeol gave the pouch to Jimin and he quickly did his job swiftly. He takes out a pill, shoves it into the man’s mouth, forcing him to swallow it down. That pill will numb the pain on his body.

“Yeol-ah, come help me hold him! I need to cut this out!” Jimin said. Yeol followed his master’s instruction.

Then, Jimin takes out his small knife and cuts the flesh on that man’s injured chest. He needs to remove the flesh immediately as it can harm more. When he cuts the flesh away, it becomes black and disgusting, a sign that that part is already rotten.

That man groaned more loudly. His breath becomes more short and heavy. Jimin knows he can’t feel the pain anymore after he swallowed the pill but he didn’t expect that the poison would reach his heart this fast thus, making the man having difficulties in breathing.

He has no time to panic and he needs to think of a way to treat this man speedily. That man didn’t have much time left to be alive. Jimin quickly poured a bottle of liquid to the wound and made that man gulp down another of his pills. A pill to neutralize the poison in his body.

Jimin frowns because after everything he has done, that man still can’t get better fully. The emergency medical treatment that he had done was only temporary. This man needs to recuperate for at least two weeks before he can finally be healed.

Suddenly, there’s sounds of footsteps around the woods near where they are. Jimin wants to finish bandaging the man’s wound but gets stopped by the man’s hand. Jimin looks at his face.

“G-go! R-run a-away!” That man said with difficulty.

“Wait, let me wrap up your wound first!” Jimin is stubborn.

“Young Master, I’m afraid! Let’s go! They seem like bad men!” Yeol shouted, whisperingly.

“B-but…” Jimin is torned.

“G-go! F-faster! T-they w-will k-kill you…” That man said again, pushing Jimin’s hand away.

Jimin has no choice other than to leave the place. By that man’s warning, Jimin knows he can’t handle it if all of those men are chasing him or want to kill him.

So, with heavy-heartedness, Jimin lets himself be pulled away by Yeol, escaping the woods.

That man watches Jimin and his servant running away, and soon disappears from his sight. He will definitely find out who is his saviour and he will protect them with all of his might. Right now, he needs to nurse his health back but he needs to leave this place too.

“My Lord, forgive this servant for coming so late! You are injured, this servant is at fault!” A black attired man kneels down in front of him.

“F-forget it! Faster, we need to get out of here!” He said, weakly.

The other man nodded and immediately helped the man get up and both vanished from the woods.

End of flashback.

A/n : I forgot to update yesterday & I'm sorry. So I'll update 3 chapter today. Enjoy! 😘

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