Chapter 2

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Waking up in the morning I felt better about school because I didn't have to see that douche bag in from yesterday. I just wanted to started to start fresh.

 I showered and got ready and threw on some hole super skinny jean and white tank top with a over sized beige cardigan with my white vans. I put on my make up and grabbed my bag and cell phone and Ipod.

 I start my walk with Same Love by Macklemore on reply.

 I finally arrive to school and head to poetry and see Jordy and we catch up about the class. The class is actually is pretty fun my teacher pretty chill tells good jokes really easy class to pass just turn your assignments. 

Jordy and I actually have a lot in a common more than I thought actually. Pushing my sweater and pulling up my jeans I put my notebook away.  

Telling  Jordan I will meet her at the bench. She just waved awkwardly again and laughed. that girl is pretty crazy. I walk to writing class and take a seat in the middle of the class. 

"Alright class today we are going to write about something that we wanna change." He says getting up walking around to spark more attentions. 

"I know you guys have the attetion span of a goldfish." he says shaking his head. I laugh along with a couple other students. 

"Ahhhhhhh we have a NEWBIE young cardigan!" he says spotting me out. 

"Change is ever evolving, moving fast, nothing stays the same. Am I right ?" He ask. 

"Yeah of course." I say replying. 

"THAT'S IT! I want you take something that people never thought would change. I want a poem to captivate the class !" Everyone starts to groan. I mentally think what can I do. 

"But that's not it you will have partners and this is what you will do till the end of the semester." He says smiling. 


"Girls on the left side boys on the right side of the classroom." He claps his hands signaling to go faster. 

"Close your eyes and walk 5 steps forward and 2 to left girls. Boys walk 5 steps and 3 to the right! LET'S DANCE!" Everyone shuffles and and teacher Mr.Briggs matches us moving us to each other. 

I open my eyes to see to cute Asian guy in front of me he smiles brightly and I smile back feeling happy about my choice. 

"Cardigan what was change !?!" He ask cunningly 

"Change is ever evolving, moving fast, nothing ever staying the same." I say looking at him. 

"We have upgraded to a young guppy in the fishbowl. Now girls move 3 to the right. As you can see you have changed quickly say "hello" to your partners everyone." He says smiling. I look and see the pizza guy from last night. 

"So I guess we will be seeing a lot of each other." He adds with a wink. 

"Ohhh Derwin.." I say with a playful smirk. right when he is about to reply Mr.briggs shouts. 

"BOYS 7 TO THE LEFT ! NOW SAY "HELLO" TO YOUR NEW PARTNERS !" I look up to see the puppet master with the lip ring . 

"Fuck me." I groan. 

"With pleasure darlin." He smiles and I look at him with disgust. 

"Take a seat next to your partner." Mister Briggs says swinging his legs. 

"Talk ideas and such you're project is due in 2 months you will be turning rough drafts will be your grades 75% of grade is the presentation which is at the end of the of the school year. SENIORS TRY NOT TO FUCK UP! Oh and goodluck." He pops in his headphones. 

"Anyways you wanna come over and work on the project?" He asks yawning. 

"No not really asshole. What's your name anyways ?" I say being highly suspicious. 

"Aidan Quinn Staton." He says smirking adding a wink. 

"Alright Quinn? I don't fucking like you and I just don't.." I say matter factly.  

"Georgia.. I think you are being me a little extra." He says laughing. 

He gets real close to my ear. 

"You don't have to fucking like me but you treat me with some damn respect. You think youre big bad. I'll show you big and bad. No one messes with me Georgie. He says giving me back my personal space. 

I lick my lips and add a smirk. 

"You think I am scared aidan you have seen nothing." I say standing up and sitting on top of his desk and leaning down to his ear. 

" I never said I was big and bad but if you think youre denying this attraction you are sadly mistaken." I slided in his lap with no one really looking and his breathe hitching I chuckle softly. 

" Just like I thought you want me Mister Staton." I say blowing on his ear causing a rise in his pants. 

" You can say what you want because I will give you hell if you fuck with me Aidan... I have nothing to lose because bad boys can't resist a challenge." I say getting up from his lap staring at his eyes the entire time. 

"Your house right?" I grab my bag and like the clockwork the bell rings dismissing the class walking out. 

The Desk BWWM*Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora