Chapter 8

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The entire car ride back I am thinking of the millions.. billions.. Trillions.. Zillions.. Of things Aidan Staton wants. Maybe It's dinner he wants a homecooked meal. 

WHO THE HELL AM I KIDDING!?!?! He knows what he wants.

 All that Darlin' this Darlin that' adding that  stupid accent. He wants me to suffer like this what I get for being competitve I should have never tried to out do this zookeeper. He's got monkeys everywhere they flock to him like a damn banana tree. 

"Georgia you alright, you have been grumbling since we go into the car." He says smirking like it's funny. 

"It's just dandy Staton thanks for asking." I say rolling my eyes and staring out of my window. 

It's actually really pretty here kinda green but everything is pretty much turned beautiful reds, oranges, and yellows. I lean back taking in the sound of the leaves Wooshing by the car and the dry hum of the air conditioner. 

"What do you want Aidan?" I ask honestly. 

"I really want some doughnoughts." He says running his fingers through his hair. 

"No about what  you want from me dum dum."  trying not to sound worried. 

"Ohhhh Georgia don't you worry about that I got  that all taken care of." He says smiling. 

"Gross.." I say poking my lips out hissing out air. We pull into my drive way and grab some of the gocceries bring them into the house. 

After grabbing the gallon of milk Aidan locks his car. I start to put away the food and see Aidan eating apple that I just bought. 

"Are you going to help?" I  say turning away putting the cereal in the Cabinet. 

"Nahhhhhhh it's not my house." He laughs and stnorts in the process. 

"Unhuh.." I say cracking a smile. Aidan puts his apple down and starts to help me put gocceries wrong. 

As I am putting the oatmeal away I turn around I see aidan has me hands on each side of me on the counter and leaning over me. 

"What are you doing?" I say sucking in a breathe inhaling his toxic coloagne taking in his eyes that you could never understand. 

"This." Just like that my world goes crashing down.  Aidan catches my lips I am shocked for a second but my lips move insync which his in perfect harmony he bites my bottom lip nipping and sucking on it pulling my hips in now breaking the kiss. It's like he poured his desire in it. I feel his lips stop and I see lust in his eyes pulling me in. 

Grabbing my hand he takes me to my room. 

"Strip." He says no doubt not a word to be tested. 

"I don't.." I say stuttering. 

"You do it or Georgia so help I will now.. strip." He says staring at me his eyes dark and hungry obviously not wanted to be tested. 

I take my shirt off breathing out very slowly not taking my eyes off of him. 

Throwing my shirt to the side I unbutton my shorts pulling them dangerously slow they are pooled at my feet I kick them away leaving me in lacy bra and panties. 

Not even a stride later Aidan has me against my wall pulling me closer melting his lips to mine while I am tugging at his hair. He hikes my leg up grabbing my thigh pushing me to my  point of no return. I moan at his lips moving towards to my neck. Sliding his tongue up my neck to my ear his warm breath tickles my ear. 

"Check mate." He says kissing my ear causing me to moan.  

My heart stops as I open my eyes since Aidan kissed me for the second time as I look at his green pools I see something, confusion. He puts me down and I grab my clothes. 

"I think you should go.." I say trying to cover myself myself. 

"Georiga." He says stracthing his head. 

"It happened I just need you to go." I say walking to my bathroom turning on the shower I sit on the side of the tub and let my head fall into my hands. 

What the hell happened.. I think to myself. I hear a car door slam and I know it's Aidan. I hop into the shower and let hot water rinse over my skin I feel goosebumps rise I shiver and replay today's events over and over.

 I dry off and grab a sweater and a pair of shorts to walk around the house in and  get  dressed. I finish putting away the gocceries and pop in a movie.  All I could think about what happened between us. 

So I decided I needa to get some air I put on some pants and grabbed my keys deceding I didn't need my phone.  

As the chill autmn air hit me walking down the streets I felt like my stress was starting to decrease. I found a park and decided to sit and watch the people go by. 

Taking in their presence the couples, the children, the moms, the lonely people, the runners. It was starting to get late I took the longer way home. 

I knew about 20 mins later I was lost really lost. Everything was looking different I knew I needed to find a street. I was walking in the woody park and saw something out of the corner of my eye person in a hoodie following my direction.

 I start to increase my speed I turn one direction and the person follows. condience right ? I make another turn they follow again. oh okay maybe they go this way I start to get worried. I cut across the woody area and they follow. It's no longer a accident I start to run and they start to run with me too. 

My breathing starts getting raggedy and my muscles start to burn. I start to zig zag through the leaves until I see lamp post. I only here leaves crunching under my feet.

 As I reach the lamp post I run cross the street and I hear a screeching Holt and see a light blaring on me I cover my head to protect myself. "What the fuck is wrong with you!?!?!?" The guy yells at me on a motorcycle. 

"The... guy in the hoodie.." I gasp for air pointing towrds where I ran from. He cocks his head to the side to look at my messed up appearance through his helmet while on his motorcycle. 

"Get on." He says. This stanger I know nothing of do I really have a choice. I hop on tightening my hands around his waist as he zooms off into the early night. 

I turn around not seeing hooded guy anywhere to be found. I close my eyes trying to calm myself down. Nothing is really working at this point. I dig my nails into my wrist and squeeze. It feels like hours are zooming past me. 

"stop!" I yell and the bike pulls over and I get off and start to walk away.

"What the hell are you doing know?!?!?" The guy questions me. "

I am going home." I say not bothering to turn around. 

"Do you know where that is?" He ask suspiciously . 

"No but I AM DAMN SURE I DON'T NEED YOUR HELP!" I throwing my hands up. 

"Whatever you say darlin'." It stops me in my tracks 

"Aidan?" I say turning around. 

"Not quite are you getting on or what princess?" I hop back on his bike and it seems my night has just begun.

Sorry I haven't updated I just been buried in school in work BTW I AM ALREADY FAILING MATH SO!!! yeah (: I will try to update sometime soon anyways hoped yall like who do you think the mystery guy is ???? what is the relationship to Aidan. 





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