Chapter 28

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Winter break is over, my virginity is gone with. I smile internally thinking to myself as I walk into school heading towards my classes.

"Georgia wait up!" I turn to see Jordan and her raven black hair running up to me.

"Hey girl!" I reach out and she awkwardly hugs me back.

"How was your Christmas?" I say looking at her while trying to sort out where my new classes are.

"Same old same just with a little twist." She giggles.

"Could that twist be a handsome boy." I coo as Jordan turns red.

"NO, NO NO, what's the deal with Stanton?" She groans.

"All this time and you still don't like him?" I say shaking my head while laughing.

"He's going to break your heart or do something stupid I can feel it in my bones." She says closing her eyes.

"Yee that have little faith." I say in a sing song voice.

We both let out laugh and head to new classes. School is about have way through the day and I still yet to ever so charming Aidan Stanton. I head to library to research some project ideas for science.

My phone starts to buzz.

"Hello?" I whisper.

"Ooooooo, are we going to have phone sex?" I can practically hear the smirk through the phone.

"What do you want Aidan?" I say smiling.

"I'm actually a little hurt that's my girl didn't call to check up on where abouts." He says cooly.

"Am I girlfriend or your mom? Which one is it?" I ask.

"You can be my mami, and I'll be your papi." He retorts.

"That doesn't even sound right coming out of southern mouth." I giggle. Which causes the librarian to mean mug me.

I grab my bag and head out the library.

"Where are you anyways?" I say walking out into cool January chilly air.

"Somewhere special..." He trails off.

"I'm guessing it's not school?" I say getting more intrigued by the moment.

"I can assure you I am not furthering education at the moment. How about we have a date night?" He quips.

"Hmmmmm, date night with Aidan Stanton?" I say thinking of the possibilities.

"When?" I ask.

"How about after school?" He offers.

"Sounds like plan!" I answer getting butterflies.

"Oh hell, no I can't my mom is home and she is not going to like that. Ever since Olivia Pope has been in town she's been like third nipple." I groan.

"I can't do anything. What about Friday night." I tell him.

"That works perfectly fine with darlin'." He smacks. I look at out the school courtyard.

"Perfect I can't wait till Friday." I say exhausted.

The phone beeps twice and the call is over I look at my phone and put it the sky trying to see if I lost signal.

I feel a familiar set of hands circling my waist. "You should get some rest, because I can assure you, you won't be getting any this weekend. Aidan whispers in my ear.

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