Chapter 7

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School was pretty uneventful today Jordy and I are really getting closer which is good she is still shy and very much so awkward but it still it's good to have a friend. 

Mister Staton literally embrassed the hell out of his main girl Diamond. He told her off . 

She's like one of those pretty lightskinned girls with the curly hair and the pretty eyes the one you wanna cut because they are too DAMN pretty. Yeah that's her. 

I finish making my goccery list and get ready to call the taxi service. I really need to get my lisence this is getting bad . 

My phone starts going off and I see it's my wonderful mother.

I press the talk and button. 


"Georgia if you don't stop all that damn hollerin." My mom laughs at my outburst.

"My bad I just  really missed you !!!!!" I say cooing into the phone I hear a beep on my phone and see.  

New text message 

3:34 pm from:6754862109

Georgie are you dressed ?

3:35 pm To: 6754862109

yeah why ? 

3:37 pm From: 6754862109

no reason 

"Georgie I am super sorry honey I'll be there tuesday." My mom says sweetly.

"Wait what !?!?" I say finally zoning back in.

"I knew it was too good for you take it well." She says sighing. 



"Are you mocking me ?" I say faking be taken back. 

"Why yessssss." She says I say hearing the smile. 

"I love you mom..." I  quietly trail off. 

"LOVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVE YOU HOMSKILLET IMA FIND YOU A NEW DADDY!" She says I start cracking up. she hangs up l leaving me alone with just my laughter. 

As I sit on my kitchen counter My mind starts to drift. How one little text message from Adian Fucking staton make me zone?

I really need to get away  from that guy. 

I wonder what his parents  are like ? His eyes are prettty sexy you just wanna dive in them.. I wonder  if he's really good in bed ? Georgia ! GET IT TOGETHER YOU A PERVERT! ayyyyy no shame in my game though. 

The doorbell sounds and shakes me from my mini conversation. I try not to make and sound and walk to the front door and peak through the peek hole.  

I swing the door open and see the devil himself. 

"Staton what are you doing here?" I say clearing my voice of annoyance.

"Staton Taxi service here at your service." He says flashing his perfect white teeth. 

"You have got to be kidding me?" I say scoffing. 

"Not at all darlin." He says biting his lip ring. 

"What the hell. I dont wanna wait 20 nminutes for a real taxi so let's go." I grab my boots and debt card and goccery list and head out. Shopping with Aidan Staton we'll see how this plays out. 

Literally 20 minutes of shopping and getting all the meat products and me nickpicking Adian groans in boredom. 

"You literally should get that check out ?" I say flipping over a box of popcorn looking at the ingredients. 

"What?" He says toying with his lip ring. 

"You know, you have been groaning for the past 20 mins so I  thought something was wrong." I say faking concern eye rolling my eyes. 

"Ha very funny." He says looking at my goccery list. 

An idea pops in my mind. 

"Wanna race ?" I say smirking.

 Aidan cocks his eyebrow up and tunes in.

"Whoever finds all the items on their half of the list first wins." I say looking cocky as ever. 

Aidan walks over to me getting real close grabbing my waist and pulling me in close to his tall stature. 

"What do I win darlin' ?" He says with his near perfect accent breathing into the top of my hair. 

"You get whatever the winner desires." I say inhaling his cologne. 

I take a quick step back and snatch the list and rip it in half and toss his half aside and zoom off with basket. 


I look at my list Aderline pumping the competitive person I am. I zoom down each aisle. Grabbing cookies, chips, soup, noodles, taco shells, bread.

Almost knocking down a little old lady while I am at it. I am almost sure she called me heathen but no time.

 I turn the pasta aisle and see Aidan standing where I left him whistling on his Iphone texting away. I got this in the bag I think. I finish up my spree grabbing all my Italian items. 

I  speed to check out and see that Aidan is standing there with a cart full of food. 

"You got to be kidding me." I say grabbing my ribs gasping for air. 

I see a young brunette employee give Aidan gallon milk. 

"Here you go if you never need my service grabbing your items I have no problem helping you." She gives him a flirtatious wink and sways off.

 Aidan balls up his fist and puts it his mouth. 

"Damn she wants me." He say checking her out. 

"You're such a cheater." I say pushing him out of my way putting up the food to checkout he just laughs and helps me. 

As the cashier scans everything and we wait Aidan big mouth Staton says the words that send tingles to spine.

He leans down close to my ear and puts his  hand to the small of my back and nips my earlobe and whispers.  

"I won like I said I would and Darlin' I know exactly what I want."  I close my eyes and shiver and the cashier words shake me from Aidan's sexual trance. "

 Two hundred and forty two dollars and sixty seven cents." I swipe the card and get the recipt and push the basket out and follow Staton. 

"What did I get myself into?" I think to myself.

YALLLLLLL IT'S BOUT TO GET REAL STEAMY IN THE NEXT CHAPTER! THANK FOR ALL YOUR COMMENTS AND VOTES PLEASE KEEP DOING IT ! I will start to type hopefully tomorrow but school is killing my writing mode. 




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