Chapter 22

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Georgia POV

"Staton I am so stressed, you have no idea." I say preparing our note cards for our presentation.

"You just need to chill babe we will be okay. We have practiced all week long." Aidan says kissing my head. "I know this is our only project and I will flip if we don't get an A." I say huffing out air. "Oooo smart girl problems." Aidan laughs.

"Hardy har har my ass you should take school more seriously." I tell him. "We are only Juniors." Aidan groans.

"Exactly we have a year and some change then we are done with high school." I sigh while aidan goes quiet.

"Are you alright?" I say touching Aidan head. "Yes Georgie." He smiles. 

Aidan POV

I sit here and watch Georgia read over her note cards for our presentation. I look over her nervously playing with the necklace I gave her.

"That's turned into a bad habit don't you think?" I smile at her.

"What ?" She looks down her necklace.

"Oh." She puts her hands in her lap putting her head down.

"Sorry it helps me think I guess." She shrugs looking nervous.

"I can help you think." I wink at her knowing she's going to turn me down. "Oh yeah ?" she raises her eyebrow. "Yeah." I say biting my lip looking at her. She reaches over and puts her hand on my cheek and kisses my lips.

"Naaa. That doesn't work for me." I say pulling her on top me flipping her so she's on bottom.

I bite her lip sliding my hands under her shirt resting them directly on her  hips. I slowly kiss her neck and biting and nipping at her ear. "Aidan, if you leave a trace of a hickey I will kill you." Georgia says breathlessly. "Too late." I say kissing her lips again.

I take the hem of he shirt and slowly lift it off her.

"If you want me to stop just say so." I say tell she just nods her head. "No Georgia. Tell me if you want to stop." I completely stop. "I will. Don't stop Aidan." She kisses me again bring me back down so her head is resting on my pillow.

I take my hands and travel down to her jeans and unbutton them. "I love you Georgia." I say looking down at her. "I love you too Aidan." She says lowly and quietly. I lean back down and her all over her chest and start to make my way down to the top of her jeans and start to slide them down.

"AIDANNNNN HERES'S THE PHONE!" Drea bust through my door and looks at scene."DON'T YOU KNOCK!" I yell at Drea. "NO ! ARE WE SCREAMING NOW?!" Andrea rolls her eyes.

"Get out Andy." I rub my head. "You act like I never seen this scene before." She says leaning against my door frame. "ANDREA SHUT MY DOOR!" I yell at her and hear Georgia chuckle. "Oooo was it Sarah or Jessica in this exact scene may Rebekah?" Andrea taps her chin. I throw my pillow at her and she closes the door. "It was Jessica for sure." She says out aloud.She says opening my door back up.

"Omg, Is this really happening to me right now." I say clutching my pillow.

"It is dear brother. Georgia cute bra." Andrea says and geogia just waves smiling. "Thank it was on sale on Victoria Secret." Georgia laughs. "Oooooh girl ! I love a good sale." Andrea says popping her mouth.

"Leavvvvvvvve !" I say throwing my pillow at her. "Fine." She says closing her door."I almost forgot ! Well do you want the phone or not" Drea says enjoying annoying the hell outta me. "No I do NOT Andrea." I say rolling on my back next to Georgia.

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