Chapter 26

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Georgia POV

"WOW. Who knew white chocolate had it in." Uncle gary says snapping.

"This is too much for my life." I say laughing.I grab my phone and text Aidan and tell him that I am finally free from the Gary prison "I think I am gonna go for a walk." I say getting up sliding on my shoes.

"Georgia please take your phone and a coat." Tasha rolls her eyes. "Understood!" I say grabbing my beanie and sliding it over my hair. I grab my must haves and head out the door.

I see the snow still gently falling from the sky. It's strange there's no wind just snow falling. My phone vibrates and aidan tells me he's already out picking up some stuff for his mom and he would come and swing by and pick me up in a second.

I walk down my driveway and hear clacking of heels I turn and see the lady in the pea-coat. Her features are soft and warm yet cold due to her hard life.

She looks like the business type career over everything. Her eyes are simple yet I am drawn to them like moth to flame. She tenses up and looks at me then it all clicks.

Her guards drops and her straight face breaks into a small smile.

"You have my eyes.." She tells me. I hear the sound of a car pulling up. I turn to see it's that it's Aidan. I look back to see she's still staring at me. "Your my biological mother?" She nods and opens her mouth.

"I always thought my mom was sitting across from me at the dinner table every night." I say looking her over. "My mom isn't even my real mom.." I tell her feeling my anger rise.

"You have every reason to be mad." She tells me shifting her weight. "You're damn right ! Your're nothing to me absolutely nothing to me.

"Georgia, you will NOT speak to me any type of way." Her voice raises.

"Who do you think you're are my mother?" I laugh hard. "Hell has frozen over if you think I am ever gonna respect you. If anything you're some wanna be fake ass Olivia pope who thinks you're someone!" I feel a hard sting across my face.

I look up to see her chest puffing.

I take my hand and slap her face just as hard as she hit me. She looks up at me. "Like mother like daughter right?" I say as i feel a tear slip out.

I hear Aidan's car pull up . I turn around and walk to Aidan's car and i hop in.

"Why is your face red Georgia?" Aidan ask me as my head spins.

"Georgia what the hell is going on?" Aidan ask me with his voice flaring in anger. "Shut up Aidan and just drive..." I say my voice low he just looks at me looking forward and he takes the car out of park and drives off.

Aidan POV

We have been driving for about 10 minutes and Georgia still hasn't said anything. "So are you gonna tell me what happened back there." I say putting on my turning on signal.

"It was just a family reunion that's all." She says nonchalantly.

"Georgia what happened?" I say gripping the stiring wheel.

"Nothing Aidan just drop it already." She turns and looks at me her eyes telling a whole different story. "Okay." I say i grab her hand and keep driving.

"No, no, no, Aidan please tell me you're not about to this." Georgia says finally realizing where we are. "Oh, yes, yes, yes, that reminds me of something." I wink at her. It take her moment and she finally gets the joke.

"I would really appeciate you not bringing up of sex history." She crosses her arms. "You love it darlin'." I say using my southern charm.

"That never gets old." she leans over and kisses my cheek.

"Are you ready?" I say pulling up to our destination. "I have no choice right." She says hopeful.

"Yeah you have no choice." I say getting out of the car with georgia following my lead i grab her hand and walk up the steps and ring the doorbell.

"When are we gonna have some more fun." I lean down whispering in her ear. She socks me dead in arm. "After today minute after never start your clock." she smirks at me grabbing my arm.

"Georgieeeeeeeeee!" Andrea yells hugging Georgia. "Missed me?" Georgia laughs asking Andrea. "Yessssss, come in!" She pulls Georgia in.

"Aidan why are you grabbing your arm you're so rude you should walked her in you do realize mom is home." Andrea whispers/yells at me. "Yeah, Aidan." Georgia says laughing at my facial expression.

"Your time will come darlin'. Next time I won't be so forgiving." I whisper to Georgia kissing her neck discreetly.

"Fuck me.." Georgia says lowly realizing what war she just waged. "I will but not now." I say grinning at her she just smiles at me. Then I hear,

"Well finally I get meet the elusive Georgia Smith." My mom says looking at us. "Don't worry she won't bite." I tell her i mumbling through her hair. "Good things I hope." Georgia smiles.

"Always, come dear I'll make us something to drink." My mom reaches out her hand to Georgia.

"By make you something to drink she means you bake something delicious." Andrea smacks her lips. "Hungry little girl get some Graham crackers." I tell Andy. "Maybe Georgia can make her famous her brownies." Andrea says mic king what I did. "We know how much-..." I cut Andrea off putting my hand over her mouth.

"Kids and their lack of chill." I look up to tell my mom but her and Georgia are already walking to the kitchen smiling at each other.

Georgia POV

"Is tea okay?" Aidan's mom ask me. "Yeah that's fine." I look up and smile at her lightly touching the stinging sensation on my cheek.

"Are you alright dear?" She ask me. "Yeah it's just feeling warm." I say grabbing my mug drawing a lomg sip. "You really are Strong." Aidan's mom smiles at me. "Thank you." I say laughing lightly.

"You have alot going for you and you have someone along for the ride." She says obviously meaning Aidan. "Sometimes I wonder how did I get so lucky to get him. yanno?" I question. "He literally challenges me in every single way humanly possible." I breathe out and his mom laughs.

" I get you on there. People who challenge us make us grow as people and that is the most import rant thing to remember." She says sipping on her tea.

We chat and laugh about aidan and things we have in common . I think i charmed my way into the staton household and in that moment it felt good to not have anything on my mind but good times.



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