Chapter 4

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I decide to put on my sweatshirt as the fall air starts to catch up with me. I walk sit on my couch and eat some strawberries waiting for Jordy. 

I get a text saying she's outside. 

I grab my keys and phone and my bag. I lock up my  house and get into Jordan's car a nice BMW. 

I cock my eyebrow up looking a her. 

"My parents they  want to me have nice things." She said shrugging am I starting to understand that people around here have money.

 She types in Aidan's address in to navigation. We sit listening to Joran's Pandora. We sit nodding to the songs. Twenty minutes later we pull up to bigger house.

 Not mansions but definitely 5 and 6 bedrooms and pools with maids and servants so yeah maybe mansions. 

We pull up to Quinn's house has whole fancy Forest type of feel. Beautiful entrance with lush tress and bushes that lead to darker gray house with spectacular windows. 

I close my mouth and Jordan doesn't appear to fazed at all.

 I get out grabbing my stuff and thanking her. She drives off leaving me in the hands of Quinn. 

I walk up to the massive front door pulling myself together. I ring the door bell. Two minutes later Brunette looking preteen answers the door with flour in hair and chocolate everywhere. 

"And you are?" She ask rolling her eyes. Rude much this little girl. Before I even talk again I she starts talking again.

"Never mind Aidan is not here so you and his fun can wait.'" She slams the door in my face I really try to understand she really just did that. 

I ring the door bell again. 

"Actually your brother and I are working on a project." I saw walking in the house. 

"Aren't you feisty." She says smiling showing off her beautiful teeth like her brother. 

"I really don't like your brother and his player reputation doesn't help. I say laughing. 

She smirks. "I'm Andrea you can wait in the living room follow me." I follow her up the light wood staircase. 

I sit down and start to scroll down on my Instagram seeing what everyone posted. 

I start to here some banging and curse words drifting around. Being nosey I walk to see Andrea in the kitchen with flour and sugar everywhere eggs cracked and measuring spoons all around.

 "What cha doing ?" I say smiling. 

She shrieks and looks up. 

"I am obviously baking." She says annoyed and frustrated. I walk into the kitchen and look at  the cookbook. 

"I could help if you want?" I say. 

"Really you can ? No one knows how to cook in this town." She says amused at her own joke. 

"I am not from here so be amazed Drea. I am Georgia." I gave her my hand and she shook it. 

"How about brownies?" I say flipping the pages. 

"HELLLLL YEAHHH!" She says laughing. 

"Alright do you have a an I home ?" I say. 

"I got something better." She added grinning like a mad man. She goes into the living room grabbing this remote. 

"Say the song you want." She smiles. 

"This is a remote.." I say looking at her crazy. 

"Georgia just do it." She says faking annoyance. 

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