Chapter 17

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Aidan POV

"She really loves you Aidan.." Andrea says on the plane. 

"Yeah I know Andy." I say looking out the window. 

"You really do love her, You never looked Anna like that." She says looking at the photos she took before we left. 

"Why do you say that?" I say turning looking at her. 

"It's the way dad looked at mom in their wedding photo." Andrea says  turning to look at me.  Her words take me by surprise and I just quietly think about Georgia Smith and how she turned my life upside down. The rest of the plane trip Andy doesn't talk much which is surprising and my step mom is checking emails.We finally get off plane and there's a car waiting for us. 

"Aidan and lovely Andrea we missed you." My mother driver greets us. 

"We missed you too darlin'." Andy says using her southern accent. 

"So the show begins?" I say laughing at Drea. 

"Aidan.." Andrea points to my lip. "Damn it. I almost forgot." I say pulling out my lip piercing. 

"You need to fix your hair too." Andrea says rolling her eyes. "HA HA HA." I say sarcastically. 

"You too need to hush I am on the phone with your dad." She says sounding annoyed. 

"Chill cynthia." I say not in the mood for her shit. We begin the drive to my mom's house. The familiar surroundings begin rushing back to me. I start  think that back to my Summers with Colton and James and what trouble we use to cause. 

As my memories begin flashing back houses begin to pop nothing like my dad's. Southern plantation houses straight out of a movie. Southern people are the sweetest but stay the hell of their land. I know I am getting closer to mom's house I feel it in the air. I close my eyes and let my mind drift. 

"Aidan let's go." Andrea's voice wakes me. I hop out of the car  and take in my mother's garden and her huge rose bushes. The large red front door and big white house and shutters engulf me. 

"Look like this is home." I say facing Drea. 

"Where are my children?!?!" My yells out grinning ear to ear to running over to us.Andy's and I's face light up. She squeezes Andrea in for a hug. 

"Remind me why I let y'all go to to school in California." My says suffocating both us she laughs. 

"I missed you guys. I am never letting you leave my sight." She says looking at us checking us over. 

"What the hell." She says pulling my face in. 

"Want to tell me why there's hole in your face Aidan Quinn Staton?" My says looking at me. 

"Mom I missed you!" I say pulling her in for a hug. 

"Missed me my ass." My mom smiles. 

"We will talk later." My mom says eyeing me. My mom inspects drea and takes her inside asking her all that happened. 

I help my moms driver Kent take in the bags. I swing my bags over my shoulder and walk up the staircase up to my bedroom where I spent most of my childhood. I walk into the familiar room.I drop my bags and look over my dresser and in my drawers I fall onto my bed look up at my ceiling. 

"Aidan, hun supper will be ready in hour so get washed up and unpack a little." My mom says peeking into my room. 

"Okay." I smile heading to my bag. I start to unpack my bag and I see Georgia's letter in the midst of my clothes.

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