Chapter 25

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Sorry for the long update..

Georgia POV

"What the hell.." I say dropping my phone and walking to my mom's room.

"Mom?" I say trying to cool off. "Did Hannah come over yesterday for the fiesta or at anytime?" I question.

"Not that I remember." My mom yells for the bathroom. I grab the picture from Tasha and hustle down the stairs.

"Georgia what is going on?" Tasha says following me. I slide my shoes on and walk outta my house and stomp across the yard and bang on Hannah's door.

"Georgia?" Hannah questions. "Is this some kinda sick joke ?" I say lifting up the picture. "Georgia let me explain." She says trying defending herself. "No.. When you said my mother and father would be proud me. You weren't talking about the Smith's." I say letting my anger rise.  

"WHO'S MY MOM? YOU?" I question yelling.

"Georgia be calm." I hear the distant shouts from family rushing over.

"Stay away from me... and whatever this twisted game you're playing I want nothing to do it or you." I say walking down the steps.

"Correction I am your aunt." She says looking at me. I stop and looking dumbfounded.

"Correction this isn't the lost and found for aunts to come befriend their niece so keep your distance." I say walking away.

"Georgia honey." My mom says. "Mom, please not right now." I say looking at her giving her a small smile. I walk into my house and go to my room and shut the door. I turn my phone off and I take a seat my makeup desk.

"Winter is here." I say looking outside at the falling snow. I grab my laptop and pop in Snowglobe with Christina Millian. I get about 45 minutes in and I hear the sound of a car pulling into a driveway. Thinking it's some more of my family I take a peek outts my window.

I see a black SVU pull up into Hannah's driveway.  I hear the trunk alarm go off and I try to see what's going on.  Finally I see the trunk of the car close and I see and lady in a white pea coat and black stockings with black high heel shoes. Her hair is gently curled. The lady stops and looks around sensing someone staring at her. She swiftly turns to my to window.

I duck down praying that she doesn't see me.

"Fuck a duck." I murmur. I Slowly rise up and see if the coast is clear but by the time I get up the lady is already inside. It doesn't take too much for me to put two and two together. I think I found my mother and she's less than 100 ft away.

"I think mommy dearest needs a welcome home party..." I say to myself... 

Aidan POV

"6th time is the charm maybe?" I say out loud to myself attempting to wrap Georgia's gift.

"How's that going son?" My mom leans on my door frame smiling at me. "It's going just perfect." I say chuckling. "Your dad was just like you." She says sitting on the floor with me.

"What do you mean dad is like the Micheal Jordan of wrapping gifts." I say stopping what I am doing well trying to do.

"Yeah. That's after I taught  him what to do and 14 Christmases and multiple birthdays. Kids do that to you hun." My mom smiles me.

"May I?" My mom ask grabbing the gift. "It's beautiful." My mom says looking at it. "You think ?" I say doubting it. "She will love it." My mom says smiling.

"Aidan, being inlove as a teenager is honestly one the most carefree and exciting times in your life." My mom tells me wrapping the corner of my gift.

"Young love is also one ofthe hardest things to keep." She says taping another end. "So if you want to last make sure that on every page she's there beside you, don't keep secrets, be honest even if it's the hardest thing to do." My mom says flipping the gift over and applying the ribbon bow.

"That's how you wrap a gift." I tell my mom giving her a hug. "I need to meet her before I go back home." She says heading out of my room. 

Georgia POV

"This is gonna be so perfect.." I tell Tasha. "It really is pure genius. If I say so myself." Tasha says eating a candy cane. "I know. This will be an unforggetable christmas." I say cranking up Pandora.

"Don't get think that we are doing is wrong just a little." Tasha says sitting up I sit up beside her and look her and smile.

Like perfect harmony we say. "Naaaaaaaaa." We laugh.

"When do you wanna do it ?" She ask. "Maybe tomorrow?" I say thinking over the plan.

"I think Aidan is coming over." I say feeling myself get breathe less. "Oh is he?" Tasha winks me. "Shut up!" I say laughing.  

"I think I am gonna meet his mom." I tell her getting anxious thinking about . "You're a charmer I have no worries." Tasha tells me. "Thanks." I say hopping off my bed.

"I need to get ready I am gonna meet Aidan at the park." I tell her going to the bathroom. Thirty minutes I am ready to face the weather and ready to go see Aidan.

"Mom can I go to the park with Jordan?" I ask. "Yeah, bring Tasha though I'm sure she wants to go." She tells me. "Of course." I say walking outta her room.

"Georgia?" My mom calls me. "Yeah?" I say leaning into her door frame. "I love you." She smiles at me. "I love you too mom." I say giving her  a smile and walk to the living room.

Tasha and Uncle Gary are watching Kevin Hart. "Why is he so childish." Uncle Gary laughs. "For real !" Tasha laughs with him. "I break off a piece of his sexy ass." Uncle Gary growls. "Noooooo he's not ready." Tasha dies laughing.

"Y'all are dumb I swear." Laughing at the both of them.

"Tasha you gotta come with me." I tell her. "Why?" She says wiping the tears. "Because little girl I said so." I say thumping her head. "You're so mean. I have no clue why we are friends sometimes." She says groaning in annoyance.

"You love me!" I say hopping over the couch landing on her lap. "Get your bony ass off of me." She laughs in pain. "Say you love me." I tell her wrapping my arms around her head. "Tell me you love meeeeeeee!" I whine.

"CHILDISH! Butttttt I love you. " She laughs at me I kiss her on he cheek. "Now hurry up and get ready." I say  pushing her away from me.

"I love you two's friendship. That's how I turned my best friend gay in high school." Uncle Gary says thinking back to that moment.

"ANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNND WE ARE LEAVING." Tasha and I get up at the same time.

"Don't knock it till you tried it." Uncle gary says popping his lips. "Georgia has.." Tasha murmurs under her breath which earns her a punch right into her arm.

"Oooooo my niece got into some girl on girl action!?!" Uncle Gary snaps his fingers. "OMG SHHHHHH AND NO I DIDN'T!" I whisper yell to him. "BOY ! She got some other action though from the opposite sex." Tasha falls right back onto the couch hyping up uncle Gary.

"Oooooo GIRL NO ! spill the deeds Georgia. ACTUALLY HOLD ON! I am gonna go make some cocoa for us." He says running towards the kitchen.

"Guess my date with Aidan is over..." I say falling back on the couch grabbing my phone to text Aidan what happened. 

"Dumb slut I hate you.." I mouth to Tasha. "You love me tramp." She winks at me.





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