Chapter 29

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Georgia POV

Andrea picks the longest ride and pops the movie in the DVD player. She walks over back to bed and lies down. She cuddles right next to me.

"You're like the sister I never had." She huffs.

I move her hair out of her face. "According to your dad, I am practically family." I giggle.

"He does too much." She smiles.

We lay in silence as we watch the open credits for the move. About half way through the movie, Aidan cracks the door open. I give him a small smile. I look down to see, Drea snoring lightly.

Aidan motions for me come with him. I gently start move and Andrea stirs a bit in her sleep, and I slip out of the bed.

I walk towards Aidan and he extends his hand and I grab it.

He twirls me around and gently closes Andrea's bedroom door.

"Wow, I didn't know I had such a romantic boyfriend." I tell him.

"You know, I have to keep you close no matter the circumstance." He pulls me in for me a hug.

"Is that right?" I breath into his sweater inhaling his cologne.

"Mhmmmmm, thank you helping with Andrea." He says kissing the top of my head.

"No problem." I say just taking in this moment of us hugging.

"Now, I got to have you.." He says deeply.

"Oh." I say quietly.

"Come." He says breaking apart our hug to walk me over to his bedroom.

We walk into his room and Aidan heads over to his bathroom I am in familiar yet cozy room. On the bed is a four long stem roses and five photos of us with quotes on them. I stare at Aidan in confusion.

"Alexa, play happy five-month anniversary playlist on Spotify." As he walks back into his room holding a long stem rose in his hand.

Speechless, my whole face softens as he walks over to me.

"When did you do this.." I say taking the rose.

He spins me slowly and pulls me as we start we sway to the sound of the music. "Today, I just want to show you, that I appreciate you darlin'." He tells me looking into my eyes.

"Five roses and Five Photos for the, for the five months we have been together. "He whispers in my hair.

"I love it." I say laying my head on his chest smiling like a fool.

"I love you, Georgia." He lifts my chin and kisses my lips.

"Oh yeah?" I say leaning back up to kiss him again. He nods as he deepens the kiss.

Instantly wanting Aidan, I grab his sweater and lift it over his heads quickly.

He grabs my shirt gently.

"Aidaaaaan." I say whining.

Ever since winter break he's been this through where he wants to drag out the experience of me having him all the way usually he gives me my way after 2 minutes.

"I'm going to take my time, I mean it." He tells as he snatches my hands away from his jeans laying me on the bed gently. A swift change from him making sure that I can't touch him.

"Aidaaaaaaaan, please we can do that a different day." Obviously sexually frustrated.

"Patience my love, they say it's a virtue..." He tells me as he lays me on his bed as he starts to kiss down my stomach.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2019 ⏰

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