chapter three

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Evie walks into the library where Sam and Dean are and she's eating Goldfish.

"The same mom that didn't know what a cell phone was a month ago?" Sam asks.

"Yeah." Dean nods.

"Doesn't exactly seem like a fair fight." Sam says.

"You were saying?" Dean asks, showing the father and daughter that Mary beat him in the game.

"Huh! So how she been lately?" Sam asks.

"She's good. You know, she's-- she's dealing." Dean says as his phone rings and he answers it. "Hey, Cas."

"Hello, Dean." Cas greets.

"You still living out an '80's buddy comedy with Crowley?" Dean asks.

"Unfortunately." Cas says.

"Any news on Lucifer?" Sam asks.

"Actually, yes. Look at the news." Cas says.

"One sec." Sam uses his computer to look at the news. "No way. So this is from today." The three watch a news reporter interview Vince Vicente.

"We're here in front of Death Siren Records with Vince Vicente." The reporter states.

"Oh, no friggin' way." Dean mumbles.

"Yes, it's, uh, it's great having the band back together again. In the studio, feeling pumped. Haven't felt this fired up in ages." Vince says.

"A lot of people saying that your style of rock could never make a comeback in today's landscape. What do you say to them?" The reporter asks.

"Go to hell." Vince mutters into the microphone.

"Tell me that's not Lucifer." Dean says.

"We don't know." Cas says.

"Cas, I-I thought you said Rowena got some licks in. Shouldn't he have burned through his vessel by now?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, but we don't know. We don't--"

"Hello, boys, child. Long time. We team up to save the world and then bupkis. You don't call, you don't write." Crowley says.

"Yeah, we don't care." Dean says.

"Crowley. Lucifer." Sam states.

"Lucifer. Think about it. Of all the extinct rock acts, Ladyheart are the most Paleolithic. A major label sponsored comeback in 2016 for those dinosaurs? It doesn't feel like a wholly natural turn of events, does it?" Crowley says.

"Maybe Lucifer found a way to heal his vessel." Cas says.

"Yeah, but still... I mean, what the hell?" Dean asks.

"He's in L.A. I'll see you there." Cas hangs up.

"Oh, L.A." Dean says.

"Yeah." Sam exhales.


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