chapter forty-two

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They fought off the zombies as much as they could before managing to run to a stone mausoleum. They get inside, the brothers barricading the door. Cas puts Jack's body down, the brothers walking further into the room.

"He didn't deserve this." Dean says.

"Cas, is he here? C-C-Can you... can you...?" Sam asks.

"I don't think so." Cas answers.

"So, what? Chuck throws frigging zombies at us now?!" Dean asks.

"I don't know if they're zombies, Dean. I think... I think whenever the souls came up from Hell that they... they just..."

"They what? Just jumped into the nearest body?" Dean cuts his brother off.

"I guess, yes." Sam nods.

The doors rattle.

"Is that thing gonna hold?" Dean asks.

"The doors are banded iron, so it... I hope." Sam says.

"Reassuring." Evie sarcastically mumbles.

"Chuck... He said, "Welcome to the End." What... what does that mean? Cas? Come on, man! Ideas! Can you smite our way out of here?" Dean asks.

"No. You saw them. I would be overwhelmed, Dean. I... I don't know. They... they're ghosts, technically. Maybe... maybe we can burn their bones?" Cas suggests.

"Burn their bones? Cas, their bodies could be anywhere." Sam says.

"Great. So we go outside, we get ripped apart. We stay in here, w-what, starve to death?" Dean asks.

"Well, I wouldn't starve." Cas says.

'Not the time." Evie mutters.

"Well, good you for. Good. Son of a bitch. Chuck. Man, I knew it. I knew he would do something like this. He's always so squirrelly, you know, with the... with the... the robe and the beard and... the smile that's, like, half nice, half "I'm gonna rip your throat out." "Oh, let me play you a song."" Dean mocks. "Ugh!"

Dean looks over, seeing Sam kneeling next to a wall, pressing his ear to the stone.

"What do you got?" Dean asks. "Sam."

"You guys, I think I hear water. There must be a-a drainage pipe or something." Sam says.

"Maybe a sewer line." Dean suggests.

"Yeah. Come on. Come on." Sam says. Him, Evie, and Dean pry away the stone with the iron rods, but end up only finding a brick wall. They start smashing it with the rods while Cas stands back, watching them.

"Cas, a little help here." Dean calls.

One of the zombies crashes through the broken brick wall. The three jump back, but Evie can't get far enough, the zombie grabbing her ankle and yanking it making her land on her butt with a yelp.

Evie tries to kick at the zombie as Sam and Dean rush to her, pulling her back, basically playing Tug of War with Evie's body. Before Dean can slash at it with the iron rod, Sam still trying to pull Evie back, Cas walks up with the stone slab they broke off.

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