chapter fifty-six

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"Well, I should go with you." Cas says, following the three Winchesters down the hallway.

"Cas, it's probably nothing." Sam says.

"Uh, so I'm, what, supposed to just sit here?" Cas asks.

"Well, somebody's got to keep an eye on Jack in case Billie shows up for his, uh, thing." Dean says.

"Right, while you track down one of the most powerful beings in existence and lie to her face." Cas says.

"Exactly." Dean nods.

"And you're taking Evie?" Cas asks.

"Well, we figured we'd get her out of the place. It's been a while since she came with us." Sam says.

"And you're taking her to Amara." Cas says.

"Yeah, uh... maybe--"

"No. No, I'm going." Evie states, cutting her dad off. "I will slash the tires of every car if you don't let me go. Starting with the Impala."

"You touch her, you're dead." Dean threatens.

"Okay, okay, you can still come. But--"

"Listen to you, follow every rule. Yeah, I know." Evie says.

"Dean, Amara's dangerous. You can't just charge in." Cas says.

"We're not, okay? Plus, you know, she and I used to have a thing, so..." Dean says, the four getting to the library.

"Sam, what's this case about?" Jack asks, sitting at the table with Sam's laptop, an article open on it.

"I wouldn't worry about it. It's, uh, not our kind of thing." Sam says.

"You sure it's nothing spooky?" Dean asks.

"I mean, a kid got killed. It's tragic, obviously, but the local cops can handle it." Sam says.

"Great. But you know what? Why don't you and Cas go run it down just to be sure." Dean suggests to Jack.

"Really?" Jack asks.

"What?" Cas asks, seeming much less excited than Jack.

"Yeah, you said you didn't want to sit around here, and after the whole Mrs. Butters thing.." Dean says.

"Mrs. What?" Cas questions.

"Just get out there, you know, stay busy." Dean says.

"With a murder investigation?" Cas asks.

"Yeah." Dean nods.

"Because that's so uncommon for us?" Evie asks.

"Sam?" Cas asks.

"Dean's not wrong. And, look, this case, uh, maybe you can help." Sam says.

"Alright, well, you guys go Highway to Heaven that bitch." Dean says, walking away. Sam and Evie send the other two smiles before following Dean.

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