chapter eleven

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"Father?" Jack questions.

"No, no, no. No. I'm not your father, Jack. It is Jack, right?" Sam asks.

"Father." Jack repeats.

"Sam? Sammy?" They hear Dean call from downstairs.

"I'm in here." Sam calls.

Dean races in, immediately firing his gun when he lays eyes on Jack.

"No!" Sam yells.

Jack begins screaming and he ends up knocking out the three Winchesters.

Evie groans as she wakes up. She looks around the room, finding her dad and uncle also waking up.

"Wait, was that--" Sam cuts Dean off.

"Lucifer's son."

"Well, that's great." Evie mutters sarcastically.

Dean grabs his gun as the three leave.

"Can he teleport?" Dean asks.

"Huh?" Sam asks.

"The kid. Does he have wings?" Dean asks.

"I don't know." Sam shrugs.

"We still have holy oil, right?" Dean asks as he drives along a mountain lake.

"For what?" Sam asks.

"Cause we're gonna have to hit him with everything we got." Dean states.

"Hold on a second. Can we just talk about what happened back there?" Sam asks.

"Sure. Which part? Let's see. Crowley's dead, Kelly's dead, Cas is--" Dean pauses. "Mom's gone, pretty sure your daughter was or is working for Lucifer, and apparently, the Devil's kid hit puberty in 30 seconds flat. Oh, and almost killed us." Dean recalls everything.

"Yeah, because you tried to shoot him." Sam says.

"I tried to shoot the monster, Sam. It's kind of what we do." Dean says.

"We don't know what he is yet, Dean. And I had it under control." Sam says.

"I'm sorry. Are you defending the Son of Satan?" Dean asks.

"I'm not defending anything. I'm just saying, look, with everything that's happened, I'm obviously spun out also, but we need a plan." Sam says.

"Yeah, kill him! Okay? That's the plan. Look, right now all that matters is finding him and ending him before he hurts anybody else. And once we do that we'll figure everything else out."

"What about Cas? Is he-- is he really dead?"

"You know he is."


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