chapter sixteen

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They got a lead on Jack from Jody. Somebody Jack saw was apparently a dreamwalker and that person died, so they're now at a facility where a girl named Kaia, who is a dreamwalker that was talking with Derek -- the guy who died -- is.

"So... Kaia never knew her father. Her mom died in an accident when she was 12, she her aunt took her in and then she died -- cancer." Sam informs as they get out and start walking to the building.

"Damn." Dean responds.

"Yeah, been on her own ever since, until her OD and arrest." Sam says.

"Bad hand."


"No wonder she ended up here."

The three walk through the building, trying to find Kaia, but when they get to a back door, they see Jack holding onto Kaia's arm through the window.

"Jack!" Sam calls, the Winchesters rushing outside. Jack turns, hearing his name, giving Kaia the chance to kick him and punch him before running away.

"Ooh. Nice kick and punch." Evie mutters. Dean glares at her, hitting her arm and she shrugs.

Sam and Dean rush to Jack, helping him up.

"She hit me." Jack says, baffled.

"Yeah, good." Dean says.

"No! She's getting away. I-- she can't--" The brothers hold Jack back.

"No, no, no, no, no. Hey, we're not letting you near her until you tell us what's going on." Dean says.

"No, I need her." Jack states.

"You need her like you needed Derek?" Sam asks.

"Yes." Jack states.

"You don't... I'm--I'm doing this for you." Jack says as they let go of him.

"Oh, you killed Derek for us?" Dean asks.

"Derek's dead?" Jack asks.

"Oh, God, this just got more complicated." Evie mutters.

"Wait, hold on a second. Jack, tell us what happened. Everything." Sam says.

"I left to try to get a grip on my powers. I wanted to prove to you that I'm good, to do one good thing. So I did the thing you wanted the most. I experimented opening doors to other worlds. I could almost do it. I could get right to the edge. But I couldn't see. I could only feel around in the dark. I needed eyes. A seer."

"A dreamwalker." Sam realizes.

"Yeah. So I researched, like you taught me. That's how I found Derek." Jack says. "I didn't know if it would work, but it did. He dreamwalked and I joined him... in the apocalypse world. I couldn't see what he saw. I saw... and I saw her."

"Her?" Sam asks.

"Your mother." Jack states. "She's alive."

"What?" Dean asks.

"But she is in danger." Jack says.

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