Chapter 43

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Are you guys prepared?! BECAUSE...


( 3 months since last chapter, four days after Luke's birthday)

I tap my foot impatiently on the plane floor, we are landing soon and only have about thirty minutes before we can get off this plane! My nerves are on end right now as I lean back and try to calm down so it will go by faster and I won't check my phone every five seconds. When I do that I just get disappointed because normally it's still the same time.

The last few months have been crazy, even though things did start to cool down near the end. Ashton did tell his mom about everything that night and they had him arrested within a week. I felt so much better knowing Ashton wasn't going to school with him anymore but I was still worried.

Luckily we just talked every night and I helped him get over it. He is still a little jumpy when people he doesn't know that well touch him, but over all he is still the happy chirpy Ashton I love.

As for me, I'm doing a lot better I guess? I hate my body right now but I know it's for the best. I've gained weight and can now manage to eat two small meals a day. It might not seem like much to others but at my lowest point I wasn't eating at all except maybe a cracker a day and I was almost under a hundred. So yeah.. I'm almost back to 130 now.

Ashton called Barbara and asked her to help me start eating again. I was mad at him at first and called him, crying because I didn't want to be fat. But I calmed down after a while and got over it. So yeah..

I attempted to stop cutting a few times, released a few times, but as of right now.. Almost three weeks clean? So I hope Ashton is proud. I feel awful and heavy but I know it will make him happy.

I sigh as I check my phone once again and see we have about fifteen minutes until we are supposed to land. I stop my music and wrap the cord around my phone. As soon as I can get off this plane, I am sprinting to Ashton. I had been texting him and he got to the airport an hour early?

He just got some food but has been waiting near the baggage claim area. Suddenly I hear the pilot and hostess talking about putting our seat belts back on and preparing to land. My whole body fills with nerves and I sit up more in my seat, clicking in my seatbelt before looking around anxiously.

I hear the lady beside me chuckle a little and look over sheepishly," are you nervous because of the landing or you got someone to see?"

I smile," someone to see.."

She smiles but doesn't say anything else as I feel the plane dip and start landing. I smile even more as I feel it hit the runway and start pulling up to the unloading area. I sit on the edge of my seat as we finally pull to a stop and the hostess and pilot say some more stuff before letting us depart.

I practically run off the plane, backpack slung over my shoulders as I speed to the baggage claim. I finally make it to the place I told ashton to meet and smile, running over. When I make it to the spot I see he isn't there and frown. I look around a bit but don't see him anywhere.

I slouch and look around sadly. Why isn't he here? I told him to meet at the benches next to the baggage claim? Something catches my eye and I turn my head to see Ashton running towards the benches from the bathrooms with a huge smile on my face. I drop my bag as he sprints over to me and wraps his arms tightly around my torso.

I smile so wide I thought my face would rip and hug back, nuzzling my face into his neck. I breath in deeply, trying to hold back the happy tears because I don't want to cry right now, I want to be happy. But it happens anyway. Happy tears roll down my cheek as ashton lifts me and just holds me.

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