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Six days. Six days since Kaylie asked me to keep her file. Six days since I accidentally kissed her. Six days since she was last seen by anyone.

The punching bag I was beating finally gave up, spewing sand over the gym floor. I threw it in the pile with the fourteen others across the gym.

"What's on your mind?" Louis asked, toeing at some of the sand on the floor.

"I kissed her and now she disappeared. I don't know where she lives, her phone number, where she works, anything. But she knows everything about me. She could be watching us right now and we would never know!" I sighed, frustrated.

"She's really like that? I thought you were over exaggerating!" Louis gaped in disbelief. I nodded my head, running my fingers through my hair.

"Talking about me again? Seems like you do that often. Does someone have a crush?"

I turned around to face the main entrance, where Kaylie stood, in leggings and a sports bra. She had a smug smirk on her face, knowing the dirty thoughts in my head.

"You're here," I felt breathless, almost as if I ran a mile.

"I thought it was time I let you know the entire run down of my abilities." She sauntered her way towards the boxing ring, the sand moving out of her way wherever she walked. I followed, almost being pulled on by a rope.

I stepped into the ring and took the unoccupied side. She stood on her toes, focused on me, her hands clenching then unclenching.

"What are you waiting for, Horan?" She teased, as I adjusted my center gravity.

"Guys aren't supposed to hit girls,"

"You're just afraid to get your ass beat,"

"You're a girl. You can't fight like a man," I narrowed my eyes. I instantly regretted my words when I saw her clench her jaw, offended by the statement.

She took a step forward, then flipped over herself, swinging her legs to kick me in the jaw. She landed with her back to me, and I dared to take the opportunity to grab her and throw her against the ropes in the other side.

She dropped to the floor, but quickly got up, ready for another attack. This time I approached her, but when I swing at her, my fist bounced of a force field. She landed a punch to my stomach, making me choke on the air around me.

I tried one last time hit her, but as my hand connected to her jaw, she absorbed all of the force I put in it.

"Ah, fuck!" I yelled in frustration.

"Now you know why they wanted me dead," Her head hung low as she swept the stray hairs from her eyes.

"Who wants you dead?"

"The same people who killed my mom. The same people who tried to kidnap me. I don't even know their names, who they belong to, or where they came from, but I can never forget their faces. I still see them in my dreams, fourteen years later." She turned away from me with her hands on her hips.

"But why?" I asked as I silently closed the space between us.

"Because they can't control anyone like me."


"What happened to the scratches on your back?" I smirked. She glanced back at me, giggling as the sun shone on her bare skin.

"They healed,"

"Already?" I sighed in faux dissapointment. "Maybe I should make a few of my own,"

She bit her bottom lip, teetering her balance onto either feet.

"Are you saying that's a good idea?" I asked, raising my brow.

"Maybe you should," Kaylie stepped up onto the diving board, testing it slightly. She jumped twice before letting her body sail into the water. To the end of the pool and back, she swam gracefully as her thick hair trailed behind her.

"What is stopping you from doing it?" Kaylie breathed as she rested at the side of the pool.

"Your consent,"

"Hmm, such a gentleman. I'm not sure how Danny would feel about it." She smiled and pulled herself out of the water. She grabbed her towel and dried her skin and sat in a lounge chair.

"Are you and him together?" I played with my thumbs, bracing for the worst. Instead of breaking my heart, she threw her head back and laughed, and she even kicked her feet.

"Danny and I aren't dating, we never have."

"Then why is he so set on keeping us apart?"

"Because he knows what's good for me."

i have like two more chapters saved and I need to write more agh

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