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"What exactly were you doing with Danny?" I questioned. She rolled her eyes, obviously annoyed.

"I was dealing with something that I should have handled a long time ago." She laughed. I've got to admit, I was hella jealous that I wasn't the one who made those scratches on her back.

I came close to her as she faced away from me, staring out at the ocean.

"Don't you wish that I did those things to you instead? Pulling on your hair and leaving kisses everywhere. I'm sure Danny isn't better than I am." I whispered in her ear as I wrapped an arm around her waist.

"Niall, we've got to go! The news is here," Liam called out, but I waved him off. The other boys prefer to stay out of the news, but she and I didn't care.

But I forgot what position we stood in at this moment, and I'm sure they'd make up some bullshit about why I've pulled her so close. And I'm sure she's thinking of what Danny would do if he saw those pictures.

"Shit!" She yelled, jumping from my grasp and glared at me.

"How could you?!" She yelled at me this time, in boiling anger.

"What are you talking about?" I fought back in defense. I was getting tired of her moody shit.

"You knew they were coming! You knew that Danny would see that! Why are you so fucking jealous?" She had just accused me of setting her up.

"Jealous? I'm not jealous of that piece of shit! Get it together and quit being moody!" I yelled at her. I saw her panting, and she constantly kept her head down. She was tense, and I knew there was something really wrong here.

"Get out of here!" Someone yelled from the growing crowd. It was Danny, running towards the both of us. Great.

"Kaylie, go!" He demanded. She looked up at us, glaring. But instead of brown eyes, they were green.

I only got a second to question it before she jumped off the bridge into the ice cold river. I ran over to the edge, only to search the surface for nothing.

"You're always causing problems," Danny mentioned, grabbing me but the back of the neck of my suit and throwing me towards the center of the road.

"Hasn't anyone taught you better than to agitate things that should be left alone?" He laughed. I stood, brushing off some loose gravel.

"What if I like stirring the pot? Maybe add something new?" I retorted. He threw a punch at me, easily dodged. I threw one of my one, with a little bit of an extra kick. But instead of being knocked into the cement barriers behind him, he stood there and acted if nothing had happened.

"You have no affect on a shield, didn't you know?" He smirked cockily. He turned away from me, walking towards the edge of the bridge. I hoped he would jump, but instead, he placed two fingers in his mouth and whistled.

The cars and rubble around the bridge began to shake violently. A blood curdling scream came from below the bridge, and the camera crews rushed to the side to get a glimpse of the crier.

"Let's go, they're still fucking blue." Danny groaned, walking towards the shaking cars.

A sopping wet Kaylie hauled herself over the edge, just like Louis had done just ten minutes before. Her hair hung heavily as it let out a stream of water when she wrung it. I wasn't sure if she shook from anger or the cold river water, possibly both.

She kept her eyes on Danny as he walked through the mangled metal, but for a split second, she looked at me.

She was gone. I knew that. It wasn't her. Those eyes weren't full of sass and confidence. They were the eyes of someone who seeks revenge, ready to murder. Those eyes were electric blue.


"You're joking!" Louis yelled, banging his hands on the table.

"Hey! That's mahogany, watch it!" Liam scolded.

"Fuck the table! Why did her eyes turn blue?" Harry jumped in.

"Why do we care? It's eleven, can we go to bed now?" Zayn whined. The boys agreed with him, they're still on London time, where it's easily four in the morning. We a decided to talk this over during breakfast the next morning, and retreated to our respected bedrooms.

I thought of her eyes until I couldn't keep my own open. She intoxicated my mind, so much, I even dreamt of her.

She showed up in my bedroom, crawling through the window, eyes still the piercing blue. They needed no light source to shine. She stood beside my bed, leaving something on my bedside table.

"Kaylie," I groaned, feeling completely drained. She said nothing in reply, probably because I could never really recreate and perfect her voice in a dream.

I reached out to her, but in my lack of strength and full consciousness, it landed above her ass. She took my hand in a tight grip, most likely leaving a bruise. And then she disappeared.

The next morning, my body felt completely sore. The sheets on the other side of the bed were flipped over, as if someone had just gotten out of the bed. I lazily went to grab my phone, but knocked something onto the floor. I leaned over the bed to see what I had dropped, and was met with tons of paper.

Words like "confidential" or "top secret" were stamped in red on the folder the papers were in. I was going to bury myself back into my covers when I caught sight of the curly dark hair I learned to love.

And then I realized that wasn't a dream. I shot up in my bed, quickly throwing the covers off of me. I landed on the floor in a heap, gathering the scattered files, careful not to wrinkle them.

With the files messily herded in my arms, I ran into the hallway in search of Liam.

"Liam! Get up, mate!" I yelled, running away from the bedrooms and into the living room.

"What the hell, why are you so loud?" Liam asked, slowly dragging himself into the room.

"I've got her files! She came by last night when I was sleeping and left them!" I laughed, astounded. Liam looked at me as if I had three eyes.

"Are you alright, mate?" Liam asked, putting a hand on my forehead. I shrugged him off, ready for the files.

I reached towards the newly straightened pile of papers.

"I'm ready,"


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