twenty two

37 3 0


"I said was drunk, okay! I've apologized a million times!"

"Too fucking bad." I continued to released the excess anger that didn't hang onto my tone out into the punching bag. Still powerless, yes, but I can still kick ass.


"Fuck off!" I grunted. I started to hit the bag harder and harder. A few hints of pain in my sides made me wince.

"Kaylie, you need to take it easy." Luke grabbed me by the hips and pulled my body away from the bag.

His touch sent fear through my nerves, and I sent a solid punch to his face.

"For fucks sake, what was that for!?" Luke screamed at my actions. I didn't think about trying explain myself or justifying it.

"I need to leave," I threw a sweatshirt over my head and pushed through the doors.

"Hey, come on!" He yelled as her tried to jog after me. Luke had stopped just outside the doors when I used some recovered telekinesis to slam the door into his body. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Instead of heading back home to Niall, I went to go see my brother. I hated him, of course. But I needed my answers.

"Why are you here?" I asked him as I twirled a loose loch of hair.

"I needed you out of the way of something. Something big." Anthony stood against the bars and kept his gaze away from mine.

"You should've told me or dad what needed to be done. I don't exactly love dad all too much, but we are all still family."

"Kaylie, you're the last person that needs to know anything. Trust me. I headed for New York while you were in California for a reason. I didn't plan on you being there. My job was to scare you off for a little while my work was done." Anthony sighed. He tugged on the thick curls that bounced on the top of his head.

"I was never supposed to get hurt."

"No, you really weren't. I tried to distract you but you're better than I thought."

"You nearly killed me!" I scolded at him. I may be younger but I was the mature one. Besides, he owes me.

"You were in my way. And you're not dead so stop complaining." Anthony groaned and stuffed his hands in his pocket while I sat with my jaw dropped open. He looked at me for the first time today and I knew that he wasn't lying.

"I wish I could explain everything, I don't like the way you're looking at me like I actually wanted to murder you. I may have said some things but,"

"But what?" I pushed. His gaze turned to the floor before continuing.

"But you're my sister and I was only trying to protect you. You'd know if I was lying already, let's not pretend that your mental abilities haven't come back yet." The man knows me well. And he was right, I had been listening to his thoughts and there wasn't a trace of untruthfulness.

"I'll let you out, under one condition. Tell me the exact reason why you're here."

"I left after mom died because I've been looking for her murderers. Found them and killed them myself, but by then you hated me and had grown up. It made me feel like shit especially how Dad had gotten all that bullshit about me in your head. I kept tabs on you to make sure you've been okay. I needed you out of New York. There's one last person who needs to go."


"You won't leave if I tell you. Besides, you don't know them."

I mentally unlocked his cuffs and cell, pulling the barred door open. Anthony wrapped his strong body around mine. Fifteen years and I finally got my brother back. He may have tried to kill me but... there's nothing to justify it so I'll just have to go with my gut on this.

"I'll leave, promise." I mumbled into his chest.

"You can't just leave, someone will know something is up. I'll handle all of those details, just tell no one, you're going alone."

"Why do you look so stressed out? Happy yet stressed?" Niall asked as he kissed my neck when I came home.

"Nothing really, just struggling a little bit in the gym." I lied, I guess it was sorta true.

"How about we go and take a hot bath together, then maybe have some takeout?" He suggested and I agreed. He ran off to the bathroom to start the bath and I went to find some towels.

When I found two sets of towels I traveled to the bathroom where Niall had already stripped and gotten comfortable in the steaming water.

"Come lay on me," he urged and offered a wet and dripping hand towards me. I took off my sweaty clothes and slipped into the water. Once all the way inside, I laid my back against his chest and intertwined our fingers.

"Can I ask you something?" I nodded, to relaxed to talk.

"Would you like to be my girlfriend?" The question took me by surprise, even though it shouldn't have. It was obvious.

"Yeah, of course."

"Your toes are cute,"

"Your accent is cute,"

"Your hair is cute,"

"Your laugh is cute. And nothing about me is cuter than that Irish laugh." I teased as I turned to look up at him. His cheeks were painted blush in embarrassment but I found that even cuter.

"I love you. I don't know what I would do without you." Niall told me and he kissed my cheek.

Well you're going to have to.

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