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"I'm going to be what I want, you can't change that." I laughed and dusted gravel and dirt from my hands and knees.

"I may not be able to change that, but I can kill you." His electric blue eyes shone through the dark like the moon at midnight. His fists were balled, waiting to throw several well deserved hits at me.

"I'd love to see you try," I smirked.  The concrete beside my head cracked and crumbled under Niall's fist, but I didn't flinch a single muscle. His staggering breath fanned across my face. His random thoughts proved that he was trying to hold back and not hurt me.

"Baby boy still loves me, how cute." I taunted as his gaze bored into mine.

"Compassion and love are two different things." He backed away from the wall and leaned against the opposing one.

"Haven't you hurt me enough? Just let me move on instead of sulking in your absence." He sighed before walking down the alley and back toward his home.

I groaned and pulled at my hair. Being with him was a struggle and being without him is worse.

I lied, I do love you.

I've never seen myself as weak as a normal human being, but at that moment I felt like a baby. I walked home that night, still in my suit with several people often taking second glances at their city's hero with her head hung low.

I didn't bother concealing myself as I walked through the front doors of my complex. I didn't care if people knew where Supersonic lived, it wouldn't matter anyways.

"Danny, I think it's time that we leave." I whispered as I stood in the doorway of his bedroom. He looked up at me at first in surprise.

"I warned you about the consequences, you know." Danny started off and met me by his door.

"Yeah, I know but sometimes I can't stop. At least I'll have you though,"

"I'm not going anywhere."

"W-what do you mean? You're coming with me." I stuttered. Danny closed the space between us and stared down at me.

"I'm not leaving just because you fucked up and can't deal with it." He gritted in my face. He shoved me out of his room, which almost landed me on my ass and slammed the door shut. To say I was emotionally wounded was an understatement.

Furious and heartbroken, I screamed meaningless and uncalled for insults at his door.

"You said we were going to High School Musical this shit cause "we're all in this together" but if that's how you're going to be, then be that way. I don't need inadequate rookies who can't stand their own ground. I don't need you anyways! I don't even want you! Matter of fact, if anyone needs anyone, it's you who needs me! You can't do shit without me! You're a helpless, worthless piece of shit!"

I somehow found myself backed up against a wall, puffing out my bubbling anger. I took a moment and closed my eyes to calm down, but my peaceful moment was sliced short when Danny slapped me across the face.

He bent down and pulled me up by my jaw and slammed my head into the wall, leaving a huge dent.

"You don't have to want me, you have no choice." He growled at me. His grip tightened and I instantly regretted the whimper that fell from my mouth.

"You talk a lot of shit for someone who's so weak." Danny smirked. He believed that he had all of this power over me, but he was very wrong.

I landed a punch square in his nose. He removed himself from me as a reaction, clinging to his nearly broken cartilage.

"You bitch!" He yelled before charging towards me. I reversed his force to send him flying into a wall on the far side of our apartment. Most of the pictures on the walls shook, and a few actually fell and shattered.

Instead of getting up immediately, Danny rolled over and reached under his bed. I was confused until I realized that he kept a bat under his bed incase we were robbed and I wasn't home.

Danny came swinging at me with his bat, but my force field kept me safe from the wood. Danny became frustrated with my easy way out and lowered his bat.

"You can't beat me, Danny." I taunted. Danny pushed me against the wall, almost hugging me. I unexpectedly doubled over in response to a series of hits to my abdomen. I was about to return to my full height when my vision went blurry and I fell to my knees.

A bloody bat fell at my side. I could make out Danny walking back into his room, wiping his hands on his jeans. His door was quietly shut and that's the last thing I saw before blacking out.

I woke up several hours into the night, still laid on the floor with my hair soaked in blood. My head ached from healing all night. If I were human, I would've died from a concussion, bleeding, or both.

I pushed myself up onto my knees and tried to make out the living room in the dark of the night. Wobbly, I got onto my feet and made my way to my room where I started to pack my suitcase. Within eight hours, my room looked like I had moved out, I already boarded a plane, and got the hell out of New York and landed in the fall air of California.

I called for a taxi and gave the driver my address. He took me around the city to my house, where I paid him what I owed and let myself out of the car.

I walked up the pathway to the ginormous doors of the richly decorated mansion and sighed as I turned the key.

The house was quiet besides the sound of my feet tapping their way to the kitchen. The smell of bacon and waffles cuddled my body like a warm blanket. It felt so comforting, like always.

"Good morning, Kaylie."

"Good morning, Dad."


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