twenty six

36 3 1


Allison helped me neatly shove all of the clothes back into my suitcase. The twins sat next to the bag and would unpack it to slow the process, but after a while I gave in and entertained them and used my telekinesis to pack instead.

"Don't leave us!" The twins yelled as I brought my bag toward the front door. Both had tears in their eyes and held the other's hand.

I crouched down to take them both in a hug.

"I promise I'll be back in a few days, and I'll bring your daddy back too."

I left them at that and as the taxi drove me closer to the airport, I was driven further from the pair's thoughts.

I had one day to find Anthony and try to get him to fall back on his plan. If that doesn't go well, then we're all as good as dead.

My cellphone rang for the first time in weeks.

I guess dead people don't get texts.

It was an unknown number. Perfect timing Mr. Roy.

"Anthony, where are you?"

"Hotel, downtown. You know my favorite."

The hotel I stayed in when he tried to scare the shit out of me.

I met in him the lobby and he took my suitcase up to his room. It requires twenty minutes of lounging around before he asked.

"Why aren't you in Texas with Allison and the twins."

"I had to stop you from killing my boyfriend. Only I can fuck him up."

"Allison told you, didn't she?"

"Of course she did." I rolled my eyes. I had to stay calm so I could negotiate for this man's life.

"So what? You want me to spare his life so you can continue screwing him for the next six months until you break up? Or can I wipeout their entire family line and take the vengeance Mom rightfully deserves." Anthony growled as he sat further back into the couch.

Mom or spare boyfriend's life. The struggles.

"If it were Allison and I wanted to kill her, you wouldn't even be having this conversation with me. You'd cut my head off instantly. Be grateful that I wanted to talk instead of fight."

"You're talking because you met the twins."

"I promised them I would bring you home."

"You did?" Anthony now sat up and his tone completely changed.

"Yes. I was planning on bringing Niall too."

"I'll think about it. Go to bed, we both need our rest."

The next morning when I woke, I found myself alone in the room.

Anthony was gone.

It was 2 o'clock in the afternoon.

Anthony was gone.

I jumped out of bed and threw my suitcase open. My brand new suit was packed away at the bottom. I tore it from the bag.

Within thirty seconds my suit encased my body, mask in place, and my previously braided hair was set free in its wild curls that Supersonic was known for.

I dashed for the door and reached out for the handle but stopped. The heat from metal was familiar. My brother had switched the handle to the iron and platinum mix to keep me detained.

I turned to look for other escape routes. There was a window that led to the roof and I opted on throwing a chair to break the glass. Instead of shattering like I hoped, the chair left dents in the glass.

It took five minutes and three chairs to get through that stubborn window. Five deadly minutes.

I stood on the roof of the hotel and wondered where they could be. This city is massive and Anthony and Niall could be anywhere.

The hotel was high enough so that I could see lists of the city. I shielded my eyes from the bright afternoon sun and glare from the December snow. I twisted left and right and listened for the possible ruckus they could be causing.

I heard the noise but I couldn't figure out where it was from until I saw a building start to crumble. Only two people would be fighting that hard that they'd take down a building. A vengeful son and a vengeful boyfriend.

I darted towards where I found them throwing the nearest object at each other. Harry and the other boys were pushed away from the fight, encouraged by Captain to let them be.

Anthony, please. Stop before I do something you wouldn't want me to do.

Kaylie, go home.

Anthony ignored my pleas and hit Niall's head with a street lamp. Niall was knocked to the ground, weak and hopeless.

I prayed that he would get up and fight until he could escape, but his degenerating health ruined the possibility. He failed to find the strength to stand while Anthony drew a new sword from his back.

Anthony, please! I love him more than anything, don't do it.

Anthony ignored me again and tried to take my mind somewhere else so I wouldn't see him murder my boyfriend but I was strong enough to fight it.

I looked to see if any of the boys were going to jump in but they had noticed it too late.

I was left because this poor man had crumbled to his knees in defeat and was ready to die.

Just because I faked my death.

"Anthony!" I screamed. Everyone finally saw me except for Niall and Anthony.

Too late, the secret's out. Might as well interfere.

Before I knew it, I had nose dived off the building and instead of knocking Anthony or the sword down, I went for Niall instead.

I collided with his body and wrapped my legs around his waist.  My hands flew into his hair as I breathed in his scent for the first time in a month. I finally got to touch him again.

"You're not real," Niall choked as he wrapped his arms around me. His hands shook so hard that they couldn't be steadied by me.

"Yes I am, baby. I'm so sorry I did this to you. I promise I'm not going anywhere." I pulled away from the hug and looked him in the eye.

His eyes were dead and lifeless before he realized that I was really there. It took him a second, but I noticed how his eyes brightened immediately.

With no time for talking, he pulled me into the most passionate kiss we've ever shared. When we pulled away, he caressed my face.

"I couldn't paint your eyes perfectly in my mind. I never got the right shade of blue. That's how I know that I'm not dead, dreaming, or both."

I love you.

I love you most.

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