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"When I get up, you're fucked." Kaylie groaned on the floor. I sighed in a mix of disbelief and relief.

"Holy shit, you're alive?"

"Not funny, you dick." She helped herself to her feet and tried to get as level as she could to me. I didn't realize that she was examining me until she started squinting and looking over me.

"What are you looking for?" I asked her and she stopped and looked up at me.

"I can't believe that it's you," Kaylie whispered and ran her hands up my neck and held my face. My hands wrapped around her body and I pulled her closer. She stood on her tip toes and laid a feathery kiss on my lips and pulled away, but I pushed for more and kissed her deeply.

After I relaxed and let go, I heard the room door slam shut. I was still caught in the moment but Kaylie was already halfway out the room to explain to Niall our little "situation". But I don't know how she's going to explain fucking her best friend to her possible boyfriend.

I laughed at the thought and smirked.

I win.

I thought she loved me. I thought she cared. I thought she wouldn't hurt me. I don't know why I did this to myself.

"Niall!" Kaylie yelled down the staircase but I was already on my way home.

"Ni, please!" Kaylie screamed again as she tried to pick up the pace to catch up to me. I had finally reached the last floor and rushed towards the door.

"Just wait, just for a minute." Her heavy breathing echoed in the concrete hallway, going nowhere just like this conversation.

"What lies are you going to tell me now, Kaylie? You're a fabulous actress, you know." I spat through a clenched jaw. The guilt was written on her face but I knew that she hadn't regretted anything she's done.

"I'm not gonna tell any lies. I promise you." Her voice became shaky and her eyes welled up with water, probably not anticipating the questions I had for her.

"Did you fuck him after he told me he was going to back off?"


"Did you think once about me, even just a little?"


"Do you love him or do you love me?"

"Niall, I can't answer that." She begged, stepping off the stairs and closer to me. I stared her down, taking the power from her hands. Kaylie always had the power, the say so. If your feelings were going to be at stake of her decisions, you'd have to deal with it, but this coup d'etat left her weaker than a dried leaf. Or a powerless superior.

"Answer the damn question." She backed away from me, trying to hide from the truth but I already knew. She unlocked the door and a solitary tear ran down her cheek.

"I can't love you anyways." Kaylie mumbled. That's when I left.


Within a week, Liam and the other boys had left my apartment, taking my protection with them. A target or not, my job never ends. My full powers returned the day after Niall left me. And now I continue to rescue the city with the one in white and emerald.

"If there's pictures of you grabbing my ass across every newspaper in the city, I'm fucking you up so bad." I groaned.

"Oh come on, wouldn't it be amazing to see "Viridescent Gets a Handful of Supersonic" everywhere? I would honestly," Danny laughed as he zipped the back of my suit up for me. My partner in crime, crime fighting, that is.

Apparently there was some massive delay in Danny's power development which caused him to "sprout" much later than the rest of us, but that didn't make him any weaker. His claws makes him a modern day wolverine, minus the hairdo.

Today there was a person trapped at the top of a huge building, so after that issue was quickly solved, Danny went home, but I took the long way home, particularly the way that passed Niall's apartment.

I sat on the roof of the building across the street for hours debating wether or not I should knock on his door. I was completely sure that he wasn't even home at the time, and invading his thoughts were only going make me fall for him again. I just had to wait for him to pass by one of his curtain drawn windows because this damn idiot never closes them.

It was around midnight when Niall came home, with a tiny little blonde girl who tried too hard for his attention. Her over exaggerated giggles drove me insane as she talked to Niall about nothing important and nothing interesting. I don't see how he could even stand her but he invited her to return the next day.

After a few minutes, she pranced out of the side door of the complex in her extremely high heels and started down the skinny and dark alley. I followed her silently, purposely knocking over a few things here and there to present my attendance.

"Hello? Niall is that you?" She squeaked in that annoying and bitchy voice of hers.

My laughs bounced off the walls in a million directions. "No darling, just me."

She started to run a little, so I used my powers to trip her on a heavy chain and wrapped it around her neck. The more air she tried to take in, the more my jealousy grew.

Her chokes and screams were heavenly to me, a constant reminder that I continued to reign.

That is until my own chokes were heard. I was slammed against the cold, brick wall with a hand latched around my neck.


"Shut the fuck up." Niall cursed at me in pure hatred. His once bubbly blonde was now a bruising bitch.

"Ni, put me down." I begged him but he continued to limit my intake and cause a struggle. He released me from the vice grip and I fell to my knees, coughing.

"Next time, don't get jealous if you're the reason we are nothing."

sleepy, 4 day weekend, Netflix

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