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I sat there, staring at him, anger boiling in my veins. He continued to wash the dishes, aware of my glare, and he turned to me and raised an eyebrow as in saying "What?"

"What is your fucking problem?" I growled.

"I don't understand why you keep going to him, you know he's only going to hurt you. And what happens if he hurts you? You go crazy and kill everyone. You're welcome." Danny explained. He didn't even look away from his chore.

"I enjoy his company, what's so wrong with that?" I rolled my eyes at him.

"Nothing, but don't get too attached. Then you know what we'd have to do." I gulped at the thought of doing that to Niall. I could never forgive myself, because I already knew what he thought of me.

"Then you need to get your shit together. I don't have time to do it again." Danny gathered his things and retreated to his room. I sighed, following him.

"Well could you get your shit together for long enough so that we can have a simple conversation?" I groaned, stepping into his room. He had just pulled his white v neck over his head, the brown locks now tousled.

"I don't want to give you relationship advice for any other guy but me," Oh great, here we go again.

"Is this really what this is about? All because I'm interested in him?" I laughed in mock shock.

"It's about you knowing that the only person you could be with is me, yet you still want to be with him! Is it because I'm not superior as him?! Does Supersonic need a powerful boyfriend?! Why am I not good enough?" Danny shouted, his muscles flexing with every yell. I watched as his green eyes left mine and stared at the floor. I wanted to put him out of the pain and tell him to truth. But the truth is, I don't have answers.

I did have feelings for him, strong feelings that I couldn't ignore. I just have no idea why I didn't act upon them.

"Danny, you're fucking perfect. I-i want to be with you, I really do." I whispered, looking down at my feet feeling ashamed. Danny said nothing, but instead threw me his white shirt. Understanding what he meant, I quickly undressed, turned off the lights, and met him in the bed.

We stared at each other through the darkness, slightly making out facial features. Danny came closer to me before opening his mouth to speak.

"Kiss me, so I know it's real," his hot breath fanned over my face. I knew I shouldn't have done it, I knew I shouldn't have put our feelings on the line. But I did.

His soft lips pressed to mine, a fire spreading on our skin. I threw my hands into his hair, tugging lightly. He moaned into the kiss, and I could feel the room get warmer. We stayed like this for what felt as an eterntity, until Danny made the next move. He rolled on top of me, straddling my waist. I could feel his bulge growing in his boxers.

He pulled away suddenlly, his face glowing in the moonlight. His plump lips, random freckles across his cheeks, and a bright blush glistened. He licked his lips, his eyes hungrly running up and down my body. He pushed my shirt up, exposing my stomach and underwear. His calloused hands ran over my bare skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps and flames.

"Oh, the things you do to me,"


I woke the next morning tangled in Danny's bed sheets. My legs were extremely sore, and I could feel the scratches on my bare back healing rapidly.

"I wish those scratches would be there long enough for Niall to see them. Too bad they heal too fast." Danny mumbled. His morning voice gave me shivers. I tried to turn over to face him, but the pain was unbearable. Danny helped me face him with a cheeky smirk on his face.

I stared at his naked body, scratches and lovebites across his shoulders and neck. There were probably more on his back, but I couldn't really remember what had happened. Those would be there for a week, maybe more. But mine, they wouldn't last more than three hours.

"Maybe we should do that every night, just so I can see the scratches every day." Danny laughed. I ran my hand across his shoulders, watching him wince every so often. Finally, my hands rested on his face.

The green in his eyes were bright, a contrast to the dark stubble around his chin. He smiled, his dimples showing momentarily. Maybe I should kiss him again.

I was going to, but then that alarming feeling got to me again, and I had to help someone. I sighed, and he knew it too, and gave me approval to leave him there.


When I arrived on the scene, it turned out that my job was already done. Five men, one of them being Niall, stood in the center of the highway, where several cars and an industrial trucks were dismantled. I remained in my high place, looking down at the men, each in different colored suits. One in red, blue, green, black, and yellow.

I groaned, as I realized these were the friends Niall was talking about.

"Is that her?" The curly haired one asked, his voice deep and his body wrapped in green.

"Yeah, hey, come down here, love." Niall yelled up to me.

Who said I was ready to come down yet? I laughed in his head. He smirked, then joined me atop of the bridge supports.

"What's that?" He asked, confusion burrowed into his face. I had no clue what he was talking about, until he came closer and moved my suit out of the way. I flinched at the slightest pain, until I realized what he was talking about. One of the deeper scratches that were taking much longer to heal.

"Umm, don't worry about it!" I jumped, hiding the scratch back into my suit.

"No, tell me what happened. It obviously must have been serious, its still healing." Niall forced me to look him in the eye, holding my chin in his soft hands.

"Danny and I, uh... We kinda did stuff last night." I admitted. Niall stepped back, trying to hide what he was feeling. He even tried to push it away in his mind so that I couldn't even see for myself.

"Oh, okay." He motioned me to follow him back down to the street. He slowly flew down, a drastic difference to my approach. I jumped off, free falling until my feet touched the ground, my hair cascading over my shoulders.

"Talk about a drama queen," the curly haired boy sang.

"I wouldn't provoke her if I were you," Niall warned. Another boy shrugged, thinking that I was no threat.

"Oh, she's nothing! I could knock her on her ass!" The boy in blue swug at me, but I caught him in the act, reverting the energy he gave off to throw him off the bridge. I turned to the boy in green, raising my eyebrows in mock surprise.

"That one, you just threw off the bridge? He's Louis. This one," Niall nudged the boy in green.

"that's Harry. Liam's in red, Zayn in black." They all muttered short greetings, all except Louis, who was hauling himself over the railings.

"So this is the girl you were talking about. I understand that you have something.. special?" Liam asked. I hope he knew that I'm telepathic.

"I understand that you're telepathic, so why are you asking me questions?" I sassed. He threw his hands up in surrender, backing away slowly. The boys tuned into their own conversations, laughing among each other.

"Kaylie, we need to talk."

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