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"Why isn't your file in the archives?" I asked her as she tested her balance at the edge of the rooftop.

"The real question is, why are we always on rooftops?" She questioned.

"I don't kn- stop trying to change the subject! Why isn't it there? Everyone else's is there except for yours and your brother's." I needed to get this from her, it's driving me crazy.

She sighed, picked at the ends of her hair, then spoke. "Don't talk about my brother. Our files aren't there because my parents requested them to be removed fro-"

"Why?" I interrupted. She stared at me with a glare that wished me death.

I wanted to test her, she what she really had. So instead of speaking my apology, I thought of saying the words.

"It's okay," she mumbled.

"I knew you were a telepath," I laughed in victory. She raised an eyebrow at me, obviously annoyed.

"Yeah, I fly, I'm a telepath and telekinetic, and I have ki-, that's it." She rushed the end, trying to cover up something.

"What else are you?" I pressed. I watched her grow nervous, something I didn't think I'd see from the cocky girl.

"What do you mean?" She tried to act dumb. Supersonic is nowhere near dumb.

"Tell me, I know you're something else." She sighed in defeat, she knows she's exposed.

"I have kinetic absorption."

"What? You can't, it's so rare." I breathed in shock. She shrugged like it was no big deal, but it was. She could absorb energy, or even use it. It's like me punching her in the face, and her still standing there like nothing happened, or she could even use it to punch me back with equal amount of force.

"My mom's dead because of it, it's not exactly like I want this. I gotta get home,"

"Wait, tell me your name. I want to see you again." I persuaded. She already told me so much about herself, I just wanted to put a name to the story.

"I'll tell you if I see you again," She smirked before walking off the edge of the rooftop and completely disappearing.

When I got home I laughed so hard. I laughed because I was so stupid. I don't know why it took me so long, but I finally know what she looks like.

She's the girl from the library.

I rang Liam, even though it was well before dawn over in London. I told him about her powers, and who she really was. We agreed that when the boys get into town we would work together to finding more about her and such, before hanging up because Liam was falling asleep on me.

The next morning, I ran to the library, in hopes of seeing her again. There, I wasted my entire day, staring at the enormous doors waiting to see if she would come. Just around six in the afternoon, she sauntered in with her laptop.

She smirked when she caught my eyes and motioned me to follow her to a secluded table at the back of the library. When we sat down together, she stared intently at me, and I knew she was trying to read my thoughts. I reminded myself to keep my mind clear the second she pushed open those doors.

"Are you going to tell me your name now?" I asked, eager to be the first one to get to her. I wanted to know everything before the boys came here.

She ceased typing on her laptop, slowly looking up at me. "If you must know, Niall, it's Kaylie." She smirked. She was smarter than I thought.

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