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Kaylie's POV

I don't know how celebrities survive under paparazzi's constant stalk but that was honestly the worst thirty five seconds of my life.

And I told Niall that I didn't love him, so even worse than that.

Everyone had their hoods up, shielding their faces. Niall took my hand and pulled me under his arm.

"I'm not letting you go until we get home and safe. You'll stay with me until Captain has found arrangements otherwise if it is safe enough."

"I'm not a baby, I can get through a crowd pretty well." I defend myself. I hated feeling weak and being powerless at the moment was just adding onto it.

"I lost you the first time and I almost really lost you the second. I refuse to take chances with a third." Niall swings my body across his and carries me outside into the mass of flashing lights.

"Hey, over here!"


"Who's with you!?"

"Will you be alright?!"

"We'd like an interview!"

Too many people were talking. Too close. Way too close. If I looked up the slightest my identity would be plastered across the world in a matter of hours but I really wanted to shoo some of these rabbits away from me.

I could make out one voice who continued to shoot insults at me. He really didn't know what he was talking about when he tried to call me out on being some sort of slut. Niall tightens his grip on me and I snuggle myself more into the crook of his neck until we reached our car.

"Everyone alright?" Liam asked as he counted heads inside the dark luxury car. Captain was last to step inside, unveiling himself of his own hood.

"We've got NYP transport to get us out of here. We should be fine."

It took less than ten minutes to arrive at Niall's apartment, the cars piling up around the back to minimize the attention.

"Upstairs. Quickly!" We all hide underneath our hoods and run up the faculty stairs.

"We're clear, everyone to their rooms. Kaylie, a word with you please." Captain dismissed everyone to their apartments and pulled me to the side.

"That stunt you just pulled back there will never happen again, understood? I don't need you tampering with your safety and my plans to keep you safe." Luke scolded me like the mature adult he was and then young adult I was.

"You will never tamper with my own plans for keeping myself safe. You don't even know what the hell has been going lately. You don't know who I have been interfering with and why. What's it to you anyways?" I bit my tongue in hopes of not getting to vulgar and staying calm.

"I care about you, Kaylie. One might say I have feelings for you."

"Sorry, but you have a dusty old wife. Tell Darcy I said 'Hello.'" I stepped into Niall's apartment and slammed the door.

"You know that we're stuck in here until 8am tomorrow. Might as well get comfortable." Niall patted to the spot next to him on the couch. He already had the Netflix up and running, waiting to stream some background "music" for... Happenings.

"We are not about to Netflix and chill." I laughed and stepped into his kitchen.

"What movie?" I looked over his choices. Insidious, no. Paranormal Activity, ew no.

"Let's just watch the Vampire Diaries. Save myself the nightmares." I chose as I reached for the popcorn that was at the very top of the cabinets. My powers would in handy but of course the only time I need them, they're gone.

"I can do this, come on. Just a little bit higher!" I stood on my tippy toes but still didn't even brush the bottom of the box.

"I got ya," Niall tossed me up to sit on his shoulder and I finally reached the box of popcorn. The perks of super strong companions.

I put the popcorn in the microwave and listened for every kernel to pop before taking it out and pouring into a bowl with salt and butter.

Niall started the first season as soon as I snuggled up to him. I remember getting through five episodes before dozing off by around ten. Niall woke me a little when he carried me to his bedroom and put me to bed, but that was alright for now.

"Ni, I'm sorry." I mumbled in a half asleep daze. I couldn't really see his face or anything, but he pulled me tighter and his body warmed me.

"It's okay, we both screwed up."

Emptying my stomach into a toilet wasn't first on my to-do list this morning, but apparently that list makes itself.

"Why is she so sick?"

"She's powerless. She can't heal like she used to so her body is probably on some hyperdrive because she's never been without them. She just needs to adjust." Dad sighed and rubbed my back.

"I'll be fine," I mumbled and brushed my teeth in the mirror. Despite my eyes being a bright blue, underneath them was dark and discolored. I thought I would be fine after staying only a day in the hospital, but obviously not.

"Dad, how long to normal people stay in the hospital?" I asked as I pushed past him and Niall and got back into bed.

"For what you've endured, I'd say several weeks or more. You're human right now, you have to start treating yourself as a human."

"Do humans sit in bed all day when they're feeling terrible?"

"Yes, kiddo." My dad laughed as I pulled the covers over my head.

"Good, because I'm never leaving!" I yelled. I heard Niall mumbled about something in agreement. I heard my dad leave and Niall crawl underneath the covers as well.

"Come here," I crawled into his arms and laid my ear on his heart. I could hear it speeding up as he wrapped his arms around me.

"I know we've been through a lot of bullshit but I want you to know something." Niall started and he started to play with the curls in my hair.


"I know that you've found out about the other girls but,"

"But what?" I urged him to go on.
I pushed myself up onto my hands to look at him in the eyes.

"I never stopped thinking of you. Not even for a second. You ripped my heart from my chest but I will never lie about how much I care for you. I will always be in love with you."

took me a year and a half because this chapter is boring but i'm hoping to get things... interesting

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