twenty seven

35 3 0


Just as quickly as she jumped into my arms, she was pulled away by her hair.

Kaylie and Anthony were in a shouting match instead of trying to kill each other like I expected.

"Anthony do not kill him, I swear I'll–"

"You'll what? Cry for a week? You can find another boyfriend in Texas."

"Anthony, it's not like that!"

"Give me a reason why he should live another day while Mom sits six feet under?"

"I'm pregnant!"

My eyes widened at her statement. Could she be lying to persuade her brother? Or is it really true?

Kaylie had her head hung low as she nervously pulled on the strands of curly hair.

"We'll talk about this later, the press is coming and I'm sure you don't want to explain your resurrection to everyone." Anthony pushed Kaylie in my direction. She grabbed my hand and ignored my shock while we all escaped from the news trucks.

"You're pregnant?" I asked as soon as we got home. Kaylie looked over at me with tired eyes. Instead of answering my question, she went to the bathroom to run herself a bath.

After twenty minutes of thinking I went into the kitchen, made her some of her favorite tea, and brought it into the bathroom.

She was relaxed in the hot bath that was overflowing with bubbles. With a book in hand, she hadn't noticed that I entered.

"Princess," I whispered as I faced her. She looked up from her book and sighed.

"There's no baby,"

"Then why didn't you say so earlier?"

"I heard your thoughts when I said it. You were excited and I had to eventually shoot you down." She took a sip of her tea and then reached for my hand.

"I'm really sorry about everything. I should've told you, maybe you would be okay and healthy, but I thought that I wouldn't have to come back like this. I didn't know that Anthony was trying to kill you. We had a lot of conversations between the day I let him out and today, and your name was never mentioned once. His mind is clouded by a lot of anger from when we were younger, it's hard to explain how you're involved but he wants you dead. But I will never let that happen."

"Do you know how it felt? I blamed myself so much. I told you I would protect you with my life and you walked out of that door and you weren't coming back. I hated myself more than anything. I couldn't eat or sleep or even wash my hair without thinking about you. Little did I know you were just a plane ride away sitting pretty in Texas. Sorry isn't going to fix a lot of that shit." I turned around and left her sloshing around in the bathtub as she tried to follow me out.

I took a shower in the guest bathroom and changed into a pair of sweatpants before getting in bed. My body was sore and my wounds were healing slowly from not eating properly.

It wasn't long before Kaylie joined me in the bed. I had turned my back to her, being used to avoiding looking at her side of the bed for the last month.

I could hear her sigh in sorrow and turn her back to me as well. I was sure she was crying after fifteen minutes of laying like this. I knew that neither of us would sleep if we remained on different pages.

"Come here," I stretched my arms open for her and she crawled over to laid her head on my chest. She tangled out legs together and fell into our natural breathing rhythm.

"I love you,"

"I love you more."

"Where is she?!"

"Anthony, calm down!"

"Just because my sister is pregnant doesn't mean I won't snap your neck!"

"Anthony Roy!" Kaylie had stumbled out from the bedroom in nothing but just my shirt. Half asleep, yes, but she still demanded authority.

"We need to talk, now!" Anthony pushed past me into the house when Kaylie went into the kitchen instead.

"I don't know if you don't know or have forgotten, but no one tells me to do shit. I'm in charge and always will be, understood?" Kaylie demanded as he looked down at her. Anthony was filled with shock and even looked at me, where I gave him a shrug.

"Well, um. Can I ask you about your pregnancy?" Anthony asked in a now calm tone. Kaylie pulled out some orange juice.

"I'm not actually pregnant, I just needed you to get your shit together and realize that the actions you make affect me too." She reached for a glass on the top shelf and I stretched over her and brought it down.

"I have my powers, I can do it myself." She tried to assure me.

"I know you can, you just shouldn't have to."

"Are you guys done being cute?" Anthony mumbled behind us. I looked down at her and laughed. She peeked around me and gave Anthony a smile.

"Fine," He grumbled and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Fine what?" I asked next.

"She asked me to leave you alone,"

"And?" Kaylie pushed. Anthony rolled his eyes but gave in when Kaylie wouldn't give up.

"She wants to bring you to Texas with us. There's some people she'd like you to meet. Just for a week though, I don't like you that much yet." And with that, Anthony left. The moment the door closed I felt Kaylie snuggle herself in my back.

"What are you doing back there?" I asked her as I looked back.

"Nothing, I just missed smelling you."

"You missed smelling me?"

"Yes! Don't pretend like you didn't miss smelling me either!"

"That doesn't count because to me your were dead, so of course I missed you."

"Oh, yeah..." She trailed off as she looked away from me. I felt the mood become heavy on her shoulders.

"You know what else I missed doing?"


"Hugging you," I pulled her into my arms as she wrapped her legs around my waist.

"Kissing you," I molded our lips together and she tugged on my hair.

"I missed teasing you," I kissed her neck slightly.

"And I really missed fucking the shit out of you."

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