twenty eight

37 3 1

"Okay, you're gonna love them. I promise!" Kaylie squealed and pushed me through the front door.

"Auntie Kay!" Two little girls in matching outfits ran to Kaylie and gave her a tight hug.

"Who's that?" One asked as she peered over Kaylie's shoulder.

"Don't worry about that, where's Daddy's hugs?" Anthony stepped through the front door with all of our bags. His two children jumped over Kaylie and into his arms.

I wanted something similar in my future.

"Is that the boy you were crying about when everyone thought you were dead?" One asked. I raised an eyebrow at Kaylie who had a gaping mouthed expression, as well as her brother.

"Noelle, shut up!" Kaylie hushed her.

"Ooh! Brielle go tell mommy Kaylie said shut up!" The twins ran off down the hallway.

"Come on," Anthony motioned for us to follow him. At the end of the hallway, someone jumped onto Anthony.

"Babe!" A small woman squealed in Anthony's arms. He give her a sweet peck on her lips and smiled.

He seemed like quite the husband when he wasn't trying to kill me.

"Is that him?" The woman smiled as she stared at me but directed her question to Kaylie.


"Well, welcome to Texas. I'm Allison and these are my princesses, Noelle and Brielle." The woman pulled me into a huge hug. The twins came soon after and each hugged a leg since they were so short.

"Can we sit on your feet?" Noelle asked.

"Go ahead, he's super strong so he'll never get tired." Kaylie piped in.

You're right. I do love them already.

"He has powers too?!"

"Yeah, they'll show you later but it's time for dinner."

"Come on! Get moving mister!" Brielle cheered from my left leg. Noelle attached herself to my right and I headed down to the kitchen.


"Kaylie, can you put them in their chairs?" Kaylie used her powers to place and lock each twin in their booster seats. The girls went wide eyed when the straps moved on their own.

We ended up sitting down to eat in less than five minutes. I sat across from Anthony and next to Kaylie, while Allison fed the twins.

"So, sounds like everyone's happy!" Kaylie laughed when everyone was too invested in the amazing cheeseburgers.

"No, I'm not fucking happy at all." Anthony growled across the table. I saw Allison mentally scold him for cursing in front of the girls but he didn't seem to care.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Your little boyfriend is still breathing. That's what's wrong."

"Thanks," I laughed sarcastically and glared at him.

"Your family ruined mine so I'd be happy to murder yours."






"Yes?" I answered. Then I realized that the twins screamed "daddy", not Kaylie.

"Daddy?" Anthony raised his eyebrow at the two of us. I felt my cheeks grow blood red and Kaylie hid her face in my sleeve.

"Can't we not!?" She mumbled, trying to escape the embarrassment.

"Aw man! I'm glad I didn't kill him because I wouldn't be able tell your kids about this one day!" Anthony laughed from the other side of the table.

"Oh don't make them feel bad about their intimate stuff! You can't pretend that you don't get buzzed when I—"

"No, no, no! I get it, I get it!" Anthony yelled trying to prevent Allison from spilling his kinks across the table.

Kaylie laid her face into my lap in nonstop laughter. Her laugh made me laugh. My laugh made Allison laugh, then the twins, and then their father.

"Get out of here," Anthony smiled at me for the first time. I grabbed Kaylie's body with one arm and stood away from the table. Kaylie dangled by her hips but I don't think she cared much, she saw the small gesture of her brother hating me less.

I raced up the stairs into our bedroom, closed the door and threw her onto the bed.

"Niall James, I swear I—" I cut her off with a fiery kiss as I laid atop of her outstretched body.

"I wonder how boring sex would be without our powers. I couldn't imagine trying to fit five hours worth of our stuff in only an hour and a half," I pulled my shirt over my head and returned leaving kisses on her neck.

"I still don't know how you last so long," Kaylie panted between words and then she eventually moaned towards the end of her sentence.

"Baby, I put in work."

"Then come work on me."

"If I don't marry you, I better end up marrying some queen of some amazing country. And even then I won't be as happy as I would with you."

"Oh don't worry, you're marrying me for sure," Kaylie snuggled closer to me and I played with her drying hair that was twisted into a braid.

We had just taken a shower and put on our pajamas before getting into bed.

"Aunt Kay?" We both sat up to see the twins, hand in hand, each with a teddy bear of their own.

"We had a nightmare and we want to sleep with you and Uncle Ni."

I could hear Kaylie pleading in my head but it's not like I would've said no.

I stretched an arm out and the twins sprinted for me. Effortlessly, I pulled them between Kaylie and I.

"You guys are warm," Brielle giggled and played peek-a-boo with the covers.

"Thank god for king sized beds," She laughed as Noelle started to fall asleep in her arms. Kaylie was Noelle's greatest admirer.

Brielle found herself laying on me with her teddy bear, who I learned was named Mr. Oatmeal because his fur gave resemblance to the breakfast cereal.

We fell asleep like a little family.

"Babe, come here. This is too cute, oh my goodness," Shuffling of feet and silence followed.

"If your daughters like him enough to sleep with him instead of us, that should tell you something. Children are great judges of character."

"Maybe I was too hard on the kid. Kaylie sacrificed so much for him. You know that she asked me to not to hurt him even when she didn't know he was the one I was after. Then she risked her life to get me to spare his. If I didn't stop myself fast enough, neither one of them would be in that bed. He is her first and her last thought. Always."

"Then stop trying to get rid of him. You missed what she's like without him and I will never let her go through that pain again."

Allison and Anthony eventually left the doorframe and I could finally move.

Kaylie rolled over and faced me. I guess she was listening too.

"Good morning, princess."

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