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Supersonic never gets hurt.

I love no one, not even you.

I lied, I do love you.

I can't love you, anyways.


No one bothered to go home to change from our suits or shower or anything. Kaylie had been in surgery for an hour and I've been crying ever since they took her from me. I felt weak, and as Captain of the New York Headquarters, I've never felt weak.

"Excuse me, Captain?" A nurse called. Everyone stood before I did but I was the only who stepped forward.

"Her heart has stopped twice now, if it happens for a third, which is very likely we may not be able to restart it. We suggest that you arrange a statement for the press incase that does happen." The nurse announced solemnly and returned to the surgery.

"I'm going to refuse to think that she will ever die."

"You're right. She'll haunt us at night." Her dad joked. Everyone laughed a little and it lifted our spirits and hope.

After another two hours of waiting, another nurse asked us if we wanted to spend some time in the children's wing of the building. There was no way that we could turn them down, it's not everyday that a superhero is in the hospital and it would take my mind off Kaylie.

The first child we saw was a little girl named Lily. She had leukemia and got sick very easily. Lily found interest in testing to strong Niall's pinky was, and they both smiled in these tough times.

Liam played a guessing game with a few children, none of the guessing that he could read their minds.

I helped a blind teen see everything in the room and her reaction reminded me of Kaylie. Everything reminded me of Kaylie.

"Where's Supersonic?" A little boy asked. A ton of little mumbles of agreement rang out and I looked to Liam for guidance.

"You tell them, you're the captain." Liam shrugged, sitting on the floor with some kids and helped them build a tower with blocks.

"Um, she's a little sick right now and she's getting treated right now. I'll bring her around when she's better."

We stayed with the children until they had to go to bed, and a nurse took us to see Kaylie when she was finally allowed visitors.

"What do we do now?" Louis asked. He had been mostly quiet this entire time.

"We go home. She's safe now. I'll arrange for around the clock security as soon as possible. Go take some showers, you guys reek." I laughed. Everyone agreed and made their way out.

"I'm staying here until she wakes up. I'll call you when she wakes up." Mr. Roy informed as he took a seat in the recliner. We all nodded and began to return to our respected homes.

On my way home, I called in around the clock security after being bombarded by paparazzi as we tried to exit the hospital. Many asked questions about her condition and if she had survived and if and when she would recover.

Then they started getting into the more personal questions such as if she was dating or married or did her cocky attitude contribute to her downfall.

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